Dec 01, 2008 23:03
Tonight's word-and-thoughtbyte salad comes courtesy of Egg Nog With Brandy In.
'Junta' is a strange sounding word. I caught myself whispering it to feel the shape of it on my tongue. Shaddow and I went to go and see 'Quantum of Solace' last night, and I'm sure that's why I'm now muttering 'junta' and thinking to myself that perhaps it's a word over used. Junta. HOOONtaaaaahhhraaarr.
Someday in The Future, I'm going to obtain a pair of spotted and tabby kittens and call them 'Junta' and 'Coups'.
Snort. has got a java applet now that allows one to add items to one's Amazon wishlist from All Over the Whole Wide Web (oooooh). I wonder whether that means I could add concert tickets. Perhaps I should go and find out. But not now.
I've been sorting out this year's Orion Rising Fish List (ha. I said 'fish list'. Next time it's mentioned, I'll call it my 'potato knish list'); I've been adding to it things that we'd added to our wedding registry but hadn't received. It's taken me This Long, but I've at last found the name of the Dansk dishware of which we'd been given three pieces. It's still being made, apparently, so I've added placesettings to our Potato Knish List (see? I keep my promises).
Mrrmmmm egg nog...
Last night, Shaddow was industrious, and now we've got four guitars (one of which is an electric bass), one mandolin, and one fiddle suspended from wall mounted hangers. The effect is dramatic. Usually there is one less guitar and one more fiddle, but the fiddle is going to seisiun tomorrow night, and the guitar wanted a place to be. We've gone for so very long with so very little up on our walls. It's a bit startling to see them there. Aaarrgh! Guitars! From...Saturn!
You thought I'd say 'Mars', didn't you? Well. I've got a few fantastic photos of my cats lurking about on my SD card, I should post them. The world needs more moggies. Erm...well, the world needs more photos of moggies. Sort of thing.
So 'Quantum of Solace' was interesting, although I spent an unfortunate amount of time at trying to work out the significance of the title. Part of it takes place in and round a performance of 'Tosca' in Vienna. It was edgy and frightening, and if this particular production should ever come here, I'll want a front row seat. Oh, and more parkour. Daniel Craig is, perhaps, keen on it?
Alright, I think I've done for the night. Oiche mhaith, a chairde.