...here's another meme from
ryden Rules: Post the first line from the first entry of each month. Sort of thing.
Die, you bastards.
February: So, I read
r_grayjoy's answers to the Silly School Meme, and now the hamster I've got bunged up in my brain is starting to creep about in its rusted wheel.
Well, there's no denying it now, so I might as well come out and say it.
...and I've not got any cunning tricks to play on anybody.
May:Sure, so suffer me my repetition - I wrote the original posting, I can re-use my own words, eh?
June:Welcome to the first proper week in June. I'm trying to curtail my enthusiasm, to be sure. :|
July: Friday, I think I made up for my uselessness at Sprig's last complete rehearsal.
August: Well, since I've got feckall else to say for myself (still), I thought I'd pop round to
handbag.com for a horrorscope.
September:After a reasonably uneventful journey,
shaddowshoes and I arrived safely at chez
October: Sprig spent the last of September in the studio.
November: Well, the last message we sent round gloriously heralded the arrival of autumn - only now it really is here, along with its requisite nasty weather.
December: I'd given Mallory a week to turn up someplace. That week ended Tuesday night, so yesterday, I sent for her replacement.
So, there it is a chairde. My year in sound bites.