A coworker turned me on to
Cat's claw today. This looks to be a very promising herb. Anything from south America is my favorite. I found some at the herb store I mentioned in my previous post and purchased a couple ounces after reading up on it a bit. I steeped some in hot water for 15 minutes and gave some to my guinea pig room mate, who's had this intermittent horrible sounding cough over the last year or so (it went away for the majority of summer). I drank slightly more than him.
After about 30-45 minutes we both actually started to notice 'something'. This is interesting. I've found that herbal remedies typically aren't really noticeable, especially this quickly. The most noticeable effect is ease of breathing (not that it was difficult to begin with); possibly increased oxygen efficiency, as I have the constant feeling of having just breathed in after a good sigh. There is a definite sensation of feeling healthy, clean and mellow accompanied by this.
I had read a few different sites claiming that this herb can act as a
nootropic, though I have no idea how to go about testing this.
I encourage you to post any of your experiences or knowledge of this herb.