Feb 21, 2007 23:18
"A study by Sandra and Joeseph Jacobson, psychologists at Wayne Sate University in Detroit, examined 242 children whose mothers had regularly consumed fish (2 to 3 times a month or more for at least six years) from Lake Michigan- fish known to be contaminated w/PCBs, mercury, organochlorines, an other pollutants. The more fish the mothers had consumed during their lives, the higher were the PCB levels in the babies' blood- and the smaller the babies' size at birth. In repeated tests, the infants w/high exposure rates showed abnormally weak reflexes, less responsiveness to stimulation, and more jerky and unbalanced movement. At age four, when compared to children whose mothers did not consume any fish from lake Michigan, these children showed less cooperative behavior and poorer memories. And at age 11, when they were tested for IQ, they scored 6.2 points lower, on average, than did the other children."
I mean, I know this isn't completely relevant to any of you right now. But still! Its a little frightening, right? I mean. I love fish.
I'm sorry if this was annoying, it's not going to become a regular thing or anything. Just a little frustrating that this is happening. Looks like Rachel Carson could have just written fucking romance novels instead, huh?