Aug 20, 2006 12:57
I just need to say that I had the strangest dream last night! It was really long and made no sense, but all you need to know is that I was about to be raped by some weird guy in a costume...when all of a sudden Gale Harold came in and rescued me. Yes, I was saved by Brian Kinney. All he did was hug me for about 5 minutes, and I was out of danger. It was so odd!
Also, no one seemed to care that I had almost been assaulted. Nice, Dream People. Nice.
I also kept repeating the word 'conduit' again. But this time, instead of me calling someone else 'conduit,' it was my name in the dream (according to some guy with a dog who looked like Sherlock Holmes).
I think my anxiety is totally screwing up my sleep. I already get nervous by the prospect of going back to this is about a billion times worse.
I miss people already, so everyone should be prepared to keep in touch. *cougheveryoneshouldgetskypecough*