Nov 06, 2007 13:55

Totally random:

It's fun looking at HOST HOST. A Japanese website, obviously, about HOSTS.

It's 3:51 and I am just bored out of my wits that's why I do this. LOL. I'm hopeless.

I was browsing through Club AcQua's line up of hosts (the Top 10 hosts!?) I have to say half of them are really hot (5 out of 10!).

葵 賢心 IS HOT! LOL. I was digging his second pic in the profile page. And he kind of looks like Aoi (the GazettE) or is that just me? o_O



He's from Club AcQuA too right?

But dude, he's only 20 years old. Damn the world ><

Q & A

Q 誕生日 (Birthday)
1987年09月26日生れ (1987 September 26)

Q 年齢 (Age)
20才 (20 years old)

Q 血液型 (Blood Type)
A型 (A Type)

Q 星座 (Zodiac Sign / Constellation)
てんびん座 (Libra / The Scales)

Q 身長 (Height)

Q イケメン度 (Hot Guy Degree) (WTH? o_O)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Q お笑い度 (Fun Degree)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Q 酒の強さ (Alcohol Strength) It says Sake no Tsuyosa (Sake Strength?)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Q タイプ (Type)
モデル系 (Model Type)

Q 前職 (Former Job)
営業 (Businessman / Sales)

Q 出身 (Hometown)
九州 (Kyuushuu)

Q 趣味・特技 (Hobbies / Special Skills)
バスケ (Basketball)

Q ストレス解消法 (Stress Reliever)
DVDを見る (Watch DVD)

Q もしもホストじゃなかったら? (If you weren't a host?)
営業マン!! (Salesman!!)

Q 好みの女性のタイプは? (Preference in Woman / Type)
大人っぽいヒト (Adult-like person)

Q 女性の体で一番セクシーなのは? (Which part of a woman's body is most sexy?)
くちびる (Her lips)

Q 乗りたい車は? (Car that you want?)
リンカーン (Lincoln)

Q 好きなブランドは? (Favorite brand?)
ロイヤルオーダー (Royal Order)

Q 尊敬・憧れてる人は? (Most respected persons?)
地元の先輩 (Local Seniors)

Another one, this guy is cute too.

松本瑛士 (Matsumoto Eiji)


Q & A

Q 誕生日 (Birthday)

1983年08月28日生れ (1983 August 28)

Q 年齢 (age)

24才 (24 years old)

Q 血液型 (Blood Type)

A型 (A Type)

Q 星座 (Zodiac Sign / Constellation)

おとめ座 (Virgo)

Q 身長 (Height)

Q イケメン度 (Hot Guy Degree)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Q お笑い度 (Fun Degree)

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Q 酒の強さ (Alcohol Strength)

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Q タイプ (Type)

ジャニーズ系 体育会系 癒し系 (Johnny's Athletic sports-minded refreshing type)

Q 前職 (Former Job)

飲食業 (food business / catering)

Q 出身 (Hometown)
広島 (Hiroshima)

Q 趣味・特技 (Hobbies / Special Skills)

野球・音楽鑑賞・歌う事・掃除 (baseball, music appreciation ?, singing ? cleaning)

Q ストレス解消法 (Stress Reliever)

飲む・寝る・食う (Drink. Sleep. Eat)

Q もしもホストじゃなかったら?(If you weren't a host?)

ニートかつけ麺屋 noodle shop (what does he mean by nii to katsuke? that's the other answer)

Q 好みの女性のタイプは?(Preference in women / type)

自分を持っている子・真っ直ぐな子 顔は松浦亜弥か戸田恵理香 (with childish face, Aya Matsuura, Toda Erika type)

Q 女性の体で一番セクシーなのは?(Which part of a woman's body is most sexy?)
手 (hands)

Q 乗りたい車は?(Car that you want?)
SL55かM6 SL55 or M6

Q 好きなブランドは?(Favorite Brand)

あえてカルチェ  (Dare Cartier)

Q 尊敬・憧れてる人は?(Most respected person?)
やっぱり母さん (Still my mother)

I cannot believe I translated that. O_O And when my Japanese isn't even enough to reach Level 1. Thank you freedict, Animelab, Google Translate and Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Server. Hahahaha. I omitted a question because I really can't understand it for the life of me. >< They're both from Osaka, right?

I like number 1 and number 3 in Club AcQua Tokyo. Haha. Minami Aikawa and Iori Yagami. Why must they be so hot? >_____< Oh, and number 8 too! Romio Amane?

Seiji must be so damn rich to have all these guys working for him. Wait, does he own both Club AcQua Tokyo and Osaka? Man, imagine how much a girl spends just to see these guys. Well if I had the money I'd probably spend it on them too. Haha.



Don't trust these translations though, my Japanese sucks. XD

host, japanese, acqua, translation

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