Wooyoung's twitter conversation ^^

Oct 18, 2012 01:27

Wooyoung twitter conversation. Poor Wooyoung his concert was cancelled due to the typhoon. Ahhh I love how Chansung and Kwonnie take care of baby Woo. Wooyoung will be forever the 5year old. ~^^

@0430yes Came to Okinawa after a long while. But so did a Typhoon. So there’s no me… T.T

@2PMagreement211 >  @0430yes Woodong-ah fighting~ T.T I’ll be able to see you, if I go to Japan, right? T.T

@0430yes >  @2PMagreement211 Chansung ah… I came to Okinawa. Typhoon came. The concert was cancelled. I’m gone…

@2PMagreement211 >  @0430yes Woodong-ah, did you eat? T.T

@2AMkwon > @2PMagreement211  @0430yes I’m with him right now ‘-‘

@0430yes >  @2PMagreement211 Chansung aaah, I’m hungry T_T

@2PMagreement211 >  @2AMkwon  @0430yes Kwon-ah, can you please make Woodongie eat together with you? He said he’s hungry~ Hihi

@2AMkwon > @2PMagreement211  @0430yes We’re on our way to eat now.

@2PMagreement211 >  @2AMkwon  @0430yes Ohonghong have a nice dinner^^ I’m on my way home after finishing a schedule at the moment!!^^ Eumhaha

@2AMkwon > @2PMagreement211  @0430yes You’ve worked hard!!!!!!!!!!! You should hurry and eat too

@2PMagreement211 >  @2AMkwon  @0430yesEung-ya~~~~^_^

credit to: http://fuckyeahjangwooyoung.tumblr.com/

trans by 2pmalways & w2dtranslations 

kwonnie, twitter, my never ending obsession on wooyoung, chansung

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