Feb 04, 2006 05:01
I have this theory that aspects of my life are intentionally altered through very minimal manipulations until the desired change is reached. I'm convinced that this method of minute exploitations is everywhere in my life, and it sort of creeps me out.
Blame it on paranoia or my love for books on media brainwashing, but whatever.
I was aware of this concept even when I was really little. I used to always sleep with my mom at night, but I had this obsession with finding the perfect position to sleep in. I rolled around constantly until I was bitched at for not being able to remain still. At that point, I would get the idea that if every few seconds I just made a really slight movement, eventually I would be able to change to an entirely different position without my mom being aware that I was, in fact, moving around.
And you know, obviously if a little kid can conceptualize this, anyone can. The media can. Philip Morris can. Etc.
Philip Morris began putting recessed filters on their Parliaments because they thought it was healthier. It was later discovered that it's not healthier at all, and even potentially more harmful. Now myself, along with most P-funk consumers, I'm sure, are all about the recessed. They really can't just change all the filters, though. But what I've noticed recently is that my packs of cigarettes will have just a few non-recessed filters here and there. And, contrary to popular belief, I'm totally set on a theory that this company is trying to make Parliaments non-recessed, one cigarette at a time.
Same theory applies to Dictionary.com sending me the same word of the day two days in a row, every once in a while. The fuckers.
Anyway, this is just something I've been thinking about lately and have been trying to become more aware of. It's probably all in my silly fucking head, but even just the act of questioning these things makes me feel less oblivious to the psychological control so many things can have over a person.