Who: Graham Cray (
notrusthumanity ) and Millay
When: Uh, 8 July?
Where: somewhere in Budehuc
What: Random conversation >_>
Millay: *wanders inside the Budehuc; Millay is still curious of the recent influx. She would want to investigate it more, but she knows little about everything, so for today she just takes her usual stroll*
Cray: *he was sitting at the highest part of one of the largest trees around, looking around the grounds. Mostly he was bored but he was also keeping an eye out for any of those monsters that got too close to the castle boundaries, since any high place is a good vantage point*
Millay: *she rests under a shady large tree, doesn't aware of Cray's presence above the tree at all. She lets out a small sigh; this place is nice and all, but she feels wrong by just leisuring and missing her busy time at Obel*
Cray: *hears her sigh and looks down. He decides against jumping down and scaring her since she didnt seem aware that he was there and opted to just say something instead* Hm, feeling down?
Millay: *quickly turns upon the voice; her hand reaches her sword hilt. but she then loosen her grip* ...no, not at all.Why do you think so?
Cray: Usually a sigh like that means unhappiness. Guess I read it wrong...
Millay: *stands up* I'm only thinking my duty, that's all.
Cray: Duty? Didn't you come from the past? You have no duty to uphold here...
Millay: Ah, yes. What I'm supposed to be doing now.
Millay: But till I can find a way back to Obel, my loyalty lies on this castle.
Cray: Well what yo do now is up to you... You do realise though, that if you go back to Obel, things will be really different... *stands up on the branch then lets himself drop out of the tree, landing neatly next to Millay*
Millay: *eyebrows furrow, she then makes a small distance between them* 'Different'? What do you mean?
Cray: Over a century and a half has passed from the time we knew. ... You'd be amazed how much a place can change in one year, nevermind one hundred and fifty.
Millay: What I mean is, going back to my time. Traveling to present Obel won't be a big trouble.
Cray: Hm, you think thats possible? No one knows how we time and deathwarped... And there aren't any leads on it, either.
Millay: That is why... I can only hope. *hates to admit that Cray is true -- and she doesn't have any idea either*
Cray: Though... we should probably look into ways to put things back to the way they should be. This phenomenon that's causing people to gather here could be causing a rift in the world's balance. I wonder how much the future already changed thanks to past and dead people being here now... and are those changes even good? I get this horrible feeling something's about to break...
Millay: Hmm. Unless the chaos it brings by gathering problematic people, I haven't witnessed anything else yet.
Millay: And how could we change the future, which has not happened yet? Future isn't predetermined.
Cray: That's not really what I mean... lets say you for example, got married and had a child, your child grew up to become a famous and powerful general in some army, and because of him or her that army won a war at the time and caused a great shift in continental control. The countries were more peaceful for it. But... you got warped here, you didnt have the chance to have that child, and the would be peaceful country is now a hell hole because of it.
Cray: Those are the kind of changes I'm talking about... this phenomenon are taking people away from one time and adding them to another, and time is a fickle thing...
Millay: *nods, and begins to think* You're right. And lot of people have been staying here for years... what if something should be happened durng that period?
Cray: Exactly... what if something is going to happen soon, something that would have happened whether or not we were here. But the choices by those of us not meant to be here could greatly affect the outcome... Ugh, its a horrible thing to think about?
Cray: And what the hell are we supposed to do? We're here, against our will, whether we like it or not...
Millay: *looks very concerned now* ...but if something had happened -- like the war you mentioned -- it would have been recorded in books.
Millay: Besides... I'm more concerned on why we are brought to here.
Cray: That was just an example... the changes could be on a much smaller scale yet still bring drastic results... *sighs* ... yeah I wonder that too. And why someone like me?
Millay: ...some mysteries are never meant to be solved.
Cray: Maybe fate just likes jerking me around. It always has.
Millay: *doesn't know how to respond that* ...hmm.
Cray: Tch *folds his arms* Just thinking about that annoys me.
Millay: ...are you thinking about... what you have done in past? *being extra careful on this subject*
Cray: ... Yes... all the crap that happened to me....
Millay: And what are you expecting?
Cray: .... I don't know anymore. Alot of people hate me, they have every right to. But maybe I should give some answers....
Millay: Because... how can you expect a forgiveness so easily? Even you weren't the one who fired the weapon, but still your creation took thousands of life. It isn't something that people can overlook easily.Cray: I don't expect forgiveness at all... Hell I can't forgive myself... *mutters something about having just have died*
Millay: *slightly uncertain if she should continue talking about this, but her mind is filled so many thoughts* You will never get anything by angsting.
Cray: No... I wont... But all that wouldn't have happened if I just.... *shakes his head* .... nevermind.
Millay: *looks at him as if she's demanding Cray to spill it out*
Cray: ... *looks at her and understands the meaning in her expression. He sighs, and decides that its time to stop hiding his past from people who ought to know the true reasons* .... Did you know that the Rune of Punishment has the power to warp peoples minds, even after it left their bodies?
Millay: No, not at all. Sir Lazlo never said anything about that.
Cray: Of course, there aren't exactly many people who survived it to be able to tell you that. Infact as far as I know, there's just one... *holds out his fake left arm*
Millay: Did you... Rune of Punishment...?
Cray: Yes.... before that war between Kooluk and the Island Nations... I was unlucky enough to find it, and I refused to let it kill me. So, instead of my life, it took everything else away from me, my son, my family, my friends, my home.... my sanity...
Cray: If I just let the dam thing kill me... then Illuya would...
Millay: I won't stop your regret, but... *at a loss for words*
Cray: ... When I found out the Rune was still around I was overcome by this strong, insane urge to have it again. In its memory was the only remnant of my broken life... It was stupid, I realise that now. I was twsited during that war.... I snapped out of it when I wound up here, in this time...
Cray: ... So now you know all the reasons.... you know what you were fighting... what I was fighting...
Millay: Human's stupidity... I think.
Cray: Yup. My weak, stupid human desire to live.
Cray: .... Ironic now that I'd rather be dead.
Millay: But you are here, now. Alive. Whether you like it or not. You cannot angst forever.
Cray: Nah. I don't plan to. Just something like that can really hit you like a brick sometimes.
Millay: ...I won't mind giving you a good hit.
Cray: Go for it. I won't stop you.
Millay: *about to raise a hand like he requested, but hesitated* ...are you sure?
Cray: If it'll make you feel better I don't mind.
Millay: I'm already fine with things are... Although I still hold... unpleasant feeling on you, I'm not in position to punish you. *lower her hand*
Cray: Heh well, who is, then?
Millay: ...if you insist. *throw a quick, hard punch on him*
Cray: *he takes the hit to the chest, but just raises a brow afterwards* That was it? ... You hit like... like a... well, a girl >_>;;
Millay: H-hey! I'm a girl, and plus I'm not a bare-handed fighter! *flustered swt swt*
Cray: Neither am I, but if you wanna throw a good punch, stick some momentum in it. *turns to the tree behind him and takes a quick step forward, throwing a punch at it and letting the momentum carry his arm forward, punching the tree trunk and leaving a dent there*
Millay: *startled at his punching movement -- now that's a good lesson!* Oh, well...
Cray: And don't let being a girl put you off either, I knew a girl who could kick my ass any day.
Millay: Uh... Okay, okay.
Cray: Well... see ya around. Don't be afraid to throw another punch at me when you get better at it~ *turns around and begins to walk back towards the castle*
Millay: Why -- I promise I'll give you more than a punch next time! D:<