quick thoughts

Jun 21, 2009 01:38

 Mostly movie rentals related...

1) Saw Definace.  Pretty good in terms of acting and writing.  Little skeptical on military accuracy but I didn't expect "Band of Brothers" or anything.  Pretty content/happy.
2) Still don't understand why people were slamming Terminator: Salvation as much as they did.  It's a silly summer movie with lots of explosions people.  And it is NOT worse that Terminator 3.  THAT is a crappy movie.  This one actually was quite good in multiple facets I thought.
3) Pan's labyrinth. Christ where to start...
-That faun is one of thre creepiest things of all time. I mean c'mon magically appearing in a girl's bedroom w/o warning?  SImply rude.  
-Capt = one evil fucker.  Like, seriously evil
-Random pale mythical creature with eyes-on-hand: that dude is seriously one of hte more disturbing things across all movie genres.  Creatures from silent hill come to mind.

Eloise, I think that Japanese camera game is still scary as shit.  So we're speaking in Yong-realm for the time being

Movie rentals right now are kind of dry outside of "Dark Knight" and "Iron Man."  Those are movies most effective on the big screen, so that's somewhat of a downer.

It's late.  Time for bed~
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