More S3 musings/meta

Dec 29, 2008 05:02

Okay, rewatching things...

...and I can't help wondering:

1. WHY, if it's a lie, would Dad also be pretending that Sylar is his kid? I mean, it's not like he and Mom got together and discussed the whole thing. Or did they plan this way back -- 'hey, Angie, if the [whoever's] kid ever shows up, let's pretend he's ours'? Honestly, WHY would they do that? And yet, in the episode where Mom sends him to rescue me, Dad tells Mohinder while Sylar is unconscious "He's also my son." WHY would he do that if it's not the truth? It's not like he has to put on a show for Sylar at that moment...

2. "When his powers manifest, Peter will become a great man..." So... more proof that Peter's abilities are natural vs. the formula, since it looks like formula-given ones are pretty much instantaneous? (Yeah, it makes it look like Nathan's are natural, too, since he didn't fly until that night. I still think the whole 'we gave you your abilities' is crap...)

3. Okay... Peter's looking at an eclipse through the window at the hospital during Heidi's accident, then supposedly there's another one 6 months later during the first episode? WTF planet are we on that there are two total solar eclipses visible from the same areas 6 months apart? Doesn't happen! Yeah -- I'm going to just avoid timeline questions, 'cause it just pisses me off. Onwards!

4. Um. If they're planning on killing Nathan, who's supposed to take over after NY goes kaboom, anyway?

5. Randomly, Nathan ran for office 'cause Dad couldn't -- so that confirms Dad's the immigrant, not earlier generations.

6. Er... there was going to be more, but now I'm exhausted and my headache is back. G'night!

!verse: canon-ish, meta

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