As usual, typed while watching; may be ranty.
1. Previously on Heroes: Lots of people did stupid things, not the least of which being the writers. Hi, Gretchen. And the captions got it right this time. Yay! ("empath" vs. "impasse")
2. So, she hid from Gretchen how long, and how did she do that if Gretchen was in her room?
3. Matt has problems with mirrors, Peter does scrapbooking, and Samuel can control the earth under his feet, so what's with the ink, dude? "How do I look?" "Like everybody else." Well, that's the effect he's going for...
4. Jeeze, Peter, do you even SLEEP? And no, the empty apartment is ALL WRONG. Freaks me out.
5. Some maybe deaf chick we don't know has a cute cat.
6. Matt, no freaking out this time, okay? Hahaha oh Sylar, you are funny with Matt! (Digital broadcast, please to stop with the weird pink pixellation.) "You're welcome." Heh.
7. Claire and Noah are so freaking adorable. And whoa, they mentioned Lyle again! And now Gretchen. This is baaad timing.
8. Matt & Sylar again. I should not be so amused by this, but I can NOT help it. They make such a great team, in the Oh So Very Wrong way...
9. Okay, Peter and the maybe deaf chick. Why the red flash when the mug shattered? And okay, maybe that's why sword guy recognized Peter as an empath, because Joseph was one instead of Samuel. So... is Samuel behind the lawsuit and the suspicion that Peter's causing the accidents to 'isolate' him like they're trying to 'isolate' Claire? Of course, if Peter was acting like himself re: Nathan, it would be impossible to 'isolate' him, so thanks a lot again, Mom.
10. Okay, yep, deaf chick. With explody mug, and a great snarky sense of humour. I like 'couldn't it just send an e-mail?'
11. Clair, Gretchen, and Noah. Snarky Gretchen. Not a good... Gretchen is going to end up disappearing or losing her memory at this point...
12. The Matt & Sylar show... I'm really kind of enjoying this storyline the most of any so far. The Peter stuff is irritating me because he's ignoring Nathan when Nathan's asking for help. I can deal with the crazed driven bit, but the ignoring Nathan part is just Wrong. The Claire storyline is just the same as it has been for three years now and is getting a little old.
13. Yep, there we go. Claire and Noah on the roundabout again. *sigh*
14. Ooh... that's not good. Matt's cracking and ticking? Oh man, that's not good! He's using Matt's ability?
15. Ouch, that hurt, Hesam... And Samuel's breaking in? Oh, how nice... faking his picture with the ink? Son of a bitch!
16. Intermission which I thought was actually part of the SHOW, but nooo, it's just more non-canon canon. BAH! "But I have a daughter." Wow, that was poorly acted. And the phone in bright colours in the sepia-toned lighting just looked so fake. Freaking ads that pretend to be show content...
17. Creepy Claire & Gretchen discussion. That was weirdly filmed/acted...
18. Samuel and Peter -- son of a bitch knows just how to push his buttons. Creepy, creepy man... And yep, deaf chick sees sounds. Interesting... I get the playing beautiful music by making pretty lights, but how'd she know how to play in the first place?
>.< And my wireless connection has gone poof. *sigh*
19. Oh dear... what happens when Samuel gets pissed off? Is there going to be one of those freak earthquakes in NY?
20. Claire and Gretchen -- okay, this is a bit weird, but not as weird as that scene in the hall. "Did you rehearse that speech?" *snicker* Awwwww, Bennet is so cute when he's in Dad mode. Gretchen has a girlcrush...
21. Matt, you are so fucked... now you're going to make him forget, and yep, there we go. Matt, Matt, Matt... SO not good.
22. Okay, are we at the rich folks' house? Sinkhole instead of earthquake, okay. And oh SHIT. OH SHIT NOT GOOD. HOLY CRAP!!
23. Okay, at least Hiro gets to do the 'coming next'. And sheesh, FINALLY we get to see them talk. About fucking time!
Let's just say I think my urge to write Peter has come rushing back with a vengeance. Now, if only I knew what exactly was going on...