The meeting was held in the Parker-Danvers living room. It was secure, Winona was as comfortable as she could be, and they didn't have to worry about anyone following her. Steve arrived just as Sharon was finishing up, with Jamie, home from Spring break. Dani was local and Tony Rhodes flew from Boston in his suit. Jake came from school, and arrived last, but had been in constant communication as his team was tasked with intel. He'd assigned Max and Mal to work the crime scene; when Max arrived with their report Carol called the meeting to order.
“There are obvious signs of a struggle that coincide with Winona’s report. Cooper was in bed with Winona which also coincides with the report.” He winked in an attempt at levity that Winona would normally appreciate but she gave no reaction. Ben and Carol shot identical looks of disdain at him for different reasons and Max straightened.
“Nothing we could use as fingerprints,” he continued. “Some residue, we sent a bunch of samples to the lab. The remains of the gun were also sent but it appears to be standard. No sign of teleportation tech but there’s a leftover energy signature that we’re trying to track. What we know is they went far, definitely out of the country, and probably underground. Somewhere warm, maybe a volcano. Which makes sense for turtles.” Max rolled his eyes. “But they offer a lot of natural protection is the point.” He spread his hands and took a seat.
Carol nodded and addressed the room. “So, we need a team.”
“People without energy-based powers.” Jamie was eager to prove her worth as a leader.
Steve glanced between the two, suddenly struck how alike they seemed. “Or two teams, one to distract them and a strike team to get the hostages out.”
Ben frowned. “That sounds overcomplicated.”
Winona fidgeted beside him. “They’re not helpless!”
“Cooper might be hurt,” Jamie pointed out. She kept her voice gentle but Winona’s agitation grew nonetheless.
“They’re turtles.” Max raised his eyebrows at the lack of response. “Turtles! We could send Jamie’s civilian girlfriend to do it.”
“What?” said Steve and Jamie simultaneously, though Jamie’s voice was significantly louder and more like a screech.
Carol ignored the quip but addressed the complaint. “They are turtles with serious technology and a secret lair in a volcano. We can’t dismiss--”
All heads turned to Peter, standing in the doorway between kitchen and living room with a turtle, or at least a turtle shell, in his hands and a wild look in his eyes.
Dani wrinkled her nose. “What is that?”
“What?” asked Carol.
“Our freezer?” asked Ben.
Winona jumped as the phone rang beside her.
“Is it alive?” Jamie peered at the turtle, watching for movement.
Ben tapped his knee absently. “Why was it in the freezer?”
The phone rang a second time.
Steve met Carol’s eyes. “This can’t be a coincidence.”
Carol’s expression darkened. Peter shot her a look of dismay.
“But why was it in our freezer?” Ben’s mind whirled trying to solve the riddle.
The phone rang a third time.
Dani cleared her throat. “Is someone going to answer that?”
Carol hit a button on the console and Anya’s voice screeched from the box.
Wide-eyed stares were exchanged across the room. “Whoa, deja-vu,” muttered Max.
Rikki piped up to explain the outburst. “Sorry, what she means is--”
Peter shook head and turtle at the phone. “WE KNOW WHAT SHE MEANS.”
Carol touched the mute button. “Hold.” She set her cellphone in a second dock on the console and hit the number 5.
“What.” It was past noon but Jess Drew sounded like she’d just woken up.
“Jess? Hey. This might sound weird but are there any turtles in your house?”
Silence. Carol exchanged a concerned look with Steve.
A new voice answered. “Carol?”
Peter shook his head and turtle again. “TURTLE.”
Carol swatted his hand. “Shhh!”
“Carol, how did you know about the turtle?” Bobbi sounded disturbed.
“So there is a turtle.”
“Yes? I guess... I mean, I assumed it was Kit’s.”
“Kit’s?” asked Steve.
“He said he...wanted a pet...”
Carol ignored the timidity in Bobbi’s voice. “When did the turtle appear?”
“Appear?” Jess asked sharply.
“I don’t know, Bobbi answered, “It was here this morning, but... what’s going on?”
Steve shook his head. “We can’t explain too much over this line.”
Bobbi sputtered, timidity turned into temper. “My lines are perfectly secure!”
“Bobbi--” said Steve.
“Jess--” said Carol.
“Steve--” said Bobbi.
“That’s three spiders with turtles,” said Ben.
“I’m not a spider!” sputtered Jessica. Silence met her outburst. “I mean--”
“WE KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN,” said Peter. He shrugged at the phone console. “But that’s what you get for calling yourself spider.”
“What the hell is going on?” asked Bobbi.
Carol touched another mute button. “Hold.”
“What about Amelia?” asked Ben.
Carol looked at Steve. “Natasha?”
“She’s out of the country,” Steve and Jake answered together.
Carol waved her finger. “That’s good. If the turtle is in the apartment they’re planted not linked to people.”
Peter frowned. “Natasha might not count.”
Carol shrugged. “But it’s something to go on?”
“What about Amelia?!” repeated Ben.
“What about ME?” screeched Winona.
Everyone was stunned into silence.
“And Teddy and Cooper!” continued Winona. “None of us are ‘spiders’ and that turtle” she pointed to the creature in Peter’s hands. “isn’t...” Her voice broke off in a sob. Ben put his arm around her.
Carol took a breath. “Your turtles wanted you to power a machine, right?”
“Yes, but...” Tears started to fall. “But Ben could do that and he IS a spider. Why go after me...”
“Ben’s not a spider, he’s a marvel,” countered Dani. “That’s why he can power the machine.”
Jake frowned thoughtfully. This was starting to sound oddly close to Lindy’s history.
Peter sputtered. “Of course Ben is a spider!” Carol touched his hand to calm him.
“What machine?” asked Bobbi, proving her hacking skills were more dependable than Carol’s mute button.
“I’m both,” said Ben, shooting worried looks at his parents and Winona in turn.
“Ben’s more spider than ME!” Jessica added.
“What is going ON?” shouted Bobbi.
“Aren’t we supposed to be planning a rescue operation?” Jake didn’t shout, but his voice cut through the babble with authority.
Carol sighed and unmuted both lines. “How soon can you get over here?”
Max frowned. “I thought we wanted to involve as few people as possible.”
“They’re already involved,” explained Jamie.
“Involved in WHAT?” said Bobbi.
“I don’t want to be involved,” said Jess.
“Anya can’t be involved in anything dangerous,” said Rikki. “She’s pregnant.”
Carol rubbed her temple. “Fine.”
“I’m pregnant, too,” said Jessica.
Carol glared at the phone box. “Jess!”
“What about Amelia?” Ben asked a third time.
“She better not be pregnant!” shouted Peter.
Jamie blinked. Jake went perfectly still. Ben glared at his father.
Steve glanced at Ben. “What about Amelia?”
“She’s a spider.” Ben didn’t think this should have to be explained.
“Yes,” said Carol. “And I’d rather have her with us than worry about her.” Carol clearly thought he should have realized she was including Amelia without discussing it, Ben clearly thought that was dumb. But he nodded and let it go.
“So you won’t need me anyway,” said Jessica.
“Fine!” Carol closed her eyes and counted to ten. When she opened them she was all business. “Rikki, bring the turtle to the Baxter Building.”
“What are they gonna do to it?”
Carol threw up her hands. “I don’t know but if it’s dangerous do you want it near Anya and the baby?”
Rikki swallowed. “Right.”
Carol nodded. “Jess?”
“Right. Baxter. Got it.”
Carol nodded again. She took the turtle out of Peter’s hands and held it out to her goddaughter. “Dani, bring this to Richards and explain the situation. Please try to keep a lid on it.”
Dani took the turtle. “Okay.”
Carol turned to the younger War Machine. “Tony, you’re gonna have to cover Teddy’s and Cooper’s teams.”
He nodded. “Understood.”
Carol straightened to address the room. “Ben, Winona and I will be the distraction. Peter and Amelia will handle the rescue.” Sputters, shock and hands raised in question or protest answered her. Carol ignored it all. “Jake.” He met her look. “Someone on your team should join them.”
Jake was very still. He was worried about Amelia -- not her capabilities, but her -- and tempted to suggest himself. “…Lindy,” he answered finally.
Carol nodded. “Okay. You, Jamie and Max will shadow us.” They all nodded. Carol looked at Steve.
“Good. Jamie coordinate the departure. Ben, get your sister. Peter, you’re with us. Max, stay with Winona.”
Tasks assigned, they all started to shuffle. Winona looked around the room in confusion.
“Who’s going to tell the Osborns?”
Carol cocked her head. “What?”
Winona frowned.
Max shook his head. “That’s just inviting trouble.”
Winona stared. “But-- we can’t just not tell them. Cooper’s missing, she’s hurt... they deserve to know.”
“They don’t need to know,” countered Jake. “They can’t do anything about it but worry.”
Winona shook her head at him. “But--” She glanced around the room. “...You all think that?”
Ben and Peter wibbled. Ben understood where she was coming from, and didn’t like Jake’s answer at all. And Harry was one of Peter’s oldest friends, and if positions were reversed, he'd want Harry to tell him. But Max was right; there's not really anything Harry could do, so why add worry.
“You would want to know!” Winona cried, echoing their thoughts.
Ben took her hand. “...Winona, I agree with you. But, maybe we have to let the leaders make the decision.”
She bit her lip. “What about the press?”
“Press?” Carol’s headache was growing by the second.
“They’re going to notice something is up...” She glared at the room. “We’re sort of famous, okay?”
She pulled away from Ben and yelled, “I want to know what we’re telling people if not the truth!”
Max crossed his arms. “We don’t have to tell people anything. If the media is all over us that’s all the cover we need.” He wondered briefly if getting assigned to stay with Winona was some kind of punishment.
“He’s right,” agreed Jamie. “If people are camped out nobody will notice us sneaking around.”
“You mean in our plane?” asked Ben.
Jamie made a face. “Private planes are private for a reason, Ben, geez!”
Winona glared at each in turn. “None of you understand.”
Ben and Max looked chagrined. But Jamie shook her head.
“I understand. Mine and Anthony’s first baby pictures were splashed all over the internet. And I understand, too, that you’re missing your twin.”
Winona held her gaze a long moment.
“Okay,” Carol said with authority. “You have your assignments.”
The crowd dispersed quickly, and with intent.