Jan 27, 2009 19:36
hey all
so I just thought I'd share some interesting things that I'm learning in my pysch class-(family relations). Below are True & False statements, test yourself then see what the answers are, you'd be surprised about some. Enjoy! -E
Chapter 1: Choices in Relationships
1. Marriage is losing its allure-based on the new trend toward singlehood, it is estimated that less than 60% of adults will eventually marry.
2. The high rate of interracial marriages reflects the fact that in today's society, people are free to marry whomever they please.
3. An example of postmodern family is a gay family unit or a mother who is single by choice.
4. The most enduring relationships in the family are those between siblings, particularly between sisters.
5. The social exchange framework is the most common framework used in empirical studies of marriage and the family.
1. F 2. F 3. T 4.T 5. T
Chapter 2: Gender in Relationships
1. The case of David Reimer who was reared as a girl, provides convincing evidence of the profound influence of biological wiring on one's gender identity.
2. One's biological sex may most accurately be described as being on a continuum rather than being dichotomously described as being female or male.
3. Up until age 6 or 7 years, children think that they can change their gender and become someone of the other sex.
4. How undergraduate women view themselves is very similar to the way undergraduate men view them.
5. Women earn few than 20% of the Ph.D's granted annually and the percentage has remained stable in recent years.
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
Chapter 3: Love in Relationships
1. Most college students report that they would seek a divorce if they fell out of loe.
2. The most common love style of college students is that of passion and romance (eros).
3. College students report that they are more likely to make relationship decisions with their heart than their head.
4. Undergraduate women are more likely than men to believe that "jealously shows love".
5. Heavy women who lose weight are more likely to become involved in a romantic relationship.
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
Chapter 4: Being single, hanging out, hooking up, and living together
1. Never married single women report higher life satisfaction than never married single men.
2. Black adults & white adults of all ages (>18 yrs) are about equal in terms of the percentage who are unmarried.
3. Singlehood is becoming normative in that 60% of individuals will choose not to marry.
4. Persons who live together & then marry are less likely to et divorced than those who don't live together before marriage.
5. Friendship, not romance or sex, is the goal of the university students who go on the internet looking for someone.
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
Chapter 5: Sexuality in relationships
1. Students who pledge to remain a virgin are as likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection as those who do not take the "virginity pledge"
2. Male undergraduates are almost twice as likely as female undergraduates to report having been involved in a "friends with benefits" relationship.
3. There is no longer a double standard in regard to hooking up: women who hook up are not regarded more negatively than men who do the same.
4. Having sex to avoid conflict in a relationship has a positive outcome for the individual, the couple and their relationship.
5. Greater equality between women & men is associated with higher sexual satisfaction between the partners.
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
Chapter 6: Same Sex couples & families
1. In general heterosexuals have more favorable attitudes toward gay men & lesbian women if they have had prior contact with or know someone who is gay or lesbian.
2. According to the American Psychiatric Associations and the American Psychological Association, homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured by reparative therapy.
3. Compared with children reared by heterosexual parents, children reared by lesbians hae less emotional well being and are more likely to be homosexual as adults.
4. In over half the states it is legal to fire a person because of his or her sexual orientation.
5. Nearly 1/4 of US adults say that someone they are related to is gay or lesbian.
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
Chapter 7: Mate selection
1. Persons who participate in a premarital education program show no benefits in relationship quality when compared with nonparticipants.
2. The more individuals have in common, the higher their reported relationship happiness & equality.
3. Persons who end up being in a happy, durable marriage knew each other at least 2 years before they married.
4. As of 2007, around 10% of marriages are interracial.
5. Opposites not only attract but hae more enduring & happy marriages because they keep a relationship exciting.
1. F 2. T 3.T 4.F 5.F
chapter 8: Marriage Relationships
1. Honeymoons are no longer important, as fewer than half of more than 1000 undergraduates reported that is was important to take a honeymoon.
2. Economic security is the greatest expected benefit of marriage in the US.
3. About a third of states now offer coenant marriages & a third of peple getting married in these states elect the covenant alternative.
4. Males & whites tend to report greater marital happiness than females & blacks.
5. Marital satisfaction increases across time- the longer spouses are married the happier they report themselves with each other.
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
chapter 9: Communication in relationships
1. It is possible to predict who is likely to be unfaithful in a relationship.
2. Sharing tasks with one's partner is associated with feeling emotionally close.
3. A parent's demand is often met with an adolescent's withdrawal.
4. Lying about the # of previous partners with the most frequently reported lie told by a sample of university students.
5. One's physiologoical makeup may enhance or impede one's potential to learn communication skills.
1.T 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T
chapter 10: Planning children & contraception
1. Most men of partners who had an abortion tended to regret the abortion.
2. Most Canadians & US citizens are in favor of adoptees finding out about their parents.
3. Infertile women are more likely to blame their partners than themselves.
4. Children born using reproductive technology have a slightly higher risk of malformations.
5. Children of donor sperm want to find out more about their father because of economic moties.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4.T 5. F
Chapter 11: Parenting
1. Mothers, more than fathers, are much more likely to oerindulge their children.
2. In a national study, about a third of parents reported using a filtering or blocking system on the home computer.
3. An authoritative parenting style where children are held to clear expectations but in a context of warmth seems to have the best outcome for children.
4. Infants who sleep in their parents' bed are at significant risk of sudden infant death syndrome, in comparison with children who do not share a bed with their parents.
5. Parents report higher marital satisfaction than nonparents.
1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F
Chapter 12: Balancing Work & Family Life:
1. Young attorneys who take time out to have & to rear their children are just as likely to evenutally make partner in their firm as attorneys who do not take out time to have/rear children.
2. Most women with young children would rather be home with their children than be employed.
3. An employed unhappy wife is more likely to divorce than an employed happy wife.
4. When the job interferes with family life, both husbands & wives report decreased job satisfaction.
5. "Leisure activities" was the #1 one problem reported in a study on elderly couples.
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T
Chapter 13: Stress & crisis in relationships.
1. Changing one's basic values is the strategy most helpful in coping with a crisis event.
2. College students who throw up, hae hangovers, and have blackouts from drinking too much learn how much alcohol they can consume and adapt on subsequent drinking occasions.
3. Marriage/family therapists report that an extramarital affair is the most stressful event a married couple experience.
4. More than 60% of adults going through the middle years report having a "midlife crisis"
5. On-line marriage therapy (when both spouses are involved) has become as effective as face-to-face marital therapy.
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F
Chapter 14: Violence & Abuse in relationships
1. Women who dress seductively, even wives are viewed by both undergraduate men & undergraduate women as partly responsible for being raped by their husband.
2. As of 2006, a Pentagon survey of the Army, Navy and Air Force military academies reported virtual elimination of sexual harassment of women.
3. Women are as likely to stalk a former loer as a man.
4. Women who took self-defense classes reported that men reacted to their attempt to resist rape with overwhelming force.
5. Women in abusive relationships report more psychological symptons (depression/anxiety) than men in abusive relationships.
1. T 2. F 3.F 4.F 5. T
Chapter 15: Divorce:
1. The divorce rate has continued to increase so that by 2006, six in ten new marriages were predicted to end in divorce.
2. Over half the states now provide some form of coenant marriage that seeks to slow couples down (on their way to divorce) and to encourage them to work through their problems.
3. After 15 years of marriage, about 43% of couples will get a divorce.
4. Spouses in loeless, conflicted, unhappy marriages are less healthy/happy than those who divorced/left these type relationships.
5. Whether a spouse initiates the divorce (the dumper) or reacts to a spouse who does (the dumpee) makes no difference in terms of adjustment to the divorce.
1. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F
Chapter 16: Remarriage & stepfamilies
1. About 2 years is recommended between the end of a marriage and a remarriage.
2. Fromthe iew point of the child, the stepmother is more difficult to adjust to than the stephfather.
3. Stepmothers react to the "wicked stepmother" stereotype by viewing the biological mother as mentally unstable and themselves as good for the child.
4. The divorced who live with a new partner before remarriage report a happier remarriage than those who do not live together before a remarriage.
5. Stepparents are encouraged to discipline their own children.
1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T
Chapter 17: Aging in Marriage & fanily relationships
1. Elderly men tend to report higher marital happiness than elderly women.
2. The process of death, rather than death itself, is the primary fear of the elderly.
3. Good physical health is the primary determinant of an elderly person's reported happiness.
4. "Mastery/Competence" is the way elderly grandparents describe the experience of taking care of grandchildren.
5. For the elderly, attitudes about sex are a more signficant influene on sexual desire than biomedical factors.
1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T