Title: Ornate
Character(s): Bellatrix Black/Lord Voldemort
Prompt: 7. Red
Rating: PG
Word Count: 131.
Summary: He spies her.
Author's Notes: none
Her fingers are long around the stone, holding it with the swinging chain dancing embroideries around the core of the ruby and the white of her fingers. He looks at her from the other side of the room, hears her laugh, admires the glow she’s drawing around the settee her friends had gathered themselves around. She strikes a blonde youth with her fan, even the chain of this other accessory drawing graceful sequences on her skin. The fan’s frame is black, while its paper it red, of the colour of dark blood.
Old blood, like hers.
He finds her gaze and he nods as she fixes him. The blonde catches her attention again, and she laughs, holding gazes with her Lord.
They don’t know- they won’t know- she’s already, forever his.