well, it 's Almost Christmas

Dec 21, 2010 22:27

  • Papers to write over Christmas
  • two people i know are graduating early and won't be back in January
  • I got my hair cut again...so now it's a little less boyish--shorter :)
  • just kind of pushing through one day at a time.
  • visiting Macalester the 28th
  • still have yet to apply to Macalester and Wash U
  • I LOVE wrapping presents...buying presents is ok, getting presents can be fun but my favorite is wrapping my presents for other people :)
  • There is some light at the end of the tunnel
  • Although now i have to make some difficult choices in regards to my summer :(
  • Overall, I'm working hard at doing things my way and you know i probably won't post again before New Years so i'm just going to say...2010 has been interesting. Certainly some very good things have happened to me. Also A lot of situations that I never though that I would be in. I'm looking forward to 2011, i think it's going to be a great year.
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