Jan 22, 2008 23:25
Today sucked. I mean, a couple of decent things that make my life easier happened, but overall today sucked. I spent a couple hours talking about Heath Ledger with people -- it's not so much that I was Majorly Into Him, it's that 10 Things I Hate About You was one of those movies that I watched at sleepovers with my friends. RIP.
Also, I had so much damn work to do. Seriously, I just finished about fifteen minutes ago. And I have two pages to write on my thesis-that-I-don't-know-what-it's-on-except-I-guess-I-do-because-of-time. I want this to be amazing, I really do. A million thanks to you all -- you all kept me sane last year when I was writing Thesis the First, and you helped me make it brilliant. But I sort of have no idea what I'm doing here, and as usual have less time to do it in than I'd like. I just want to curl up and sleep for about thirteen hours, or get a backrub. Or both.
Okay. This shouldn't be too hard, provided I don't pass out.