Apr 20, 2006 08:26
On Saturday I sang Baa baa back shweep in the toy shop while Mummy picked a present for Baby Jack. I helped make scrambled eggs and ate them all up, then helped Daddy eat his egg custard. After my nap we went to Baby Jack's first busday party and I played with other children.
On Sunday I went to Sunday School. In the afternoon Mummy and I did gardening.
On Monday I was sick at nursery so they sent me home. On the way home I did a very nasty nappy and the whole car seat had to be washed and so did my shoes.
On Tuesday morning Daddy took me to the museum and I saw a lizard and banged my head on a door and did some colouring. In the afternoon Mummy showed me around her office and I was shy. Then we went to get my hair cut and I cried a lot. They cut my hair! I wailed "my hair! My hair!" but I did sit still so I was a good boy. Mummy and Daddy thought I was better but I had another nasty nappy before bed.
On Wednesday Daddy took me to his office and we sat at the info point and I did colouring and CBeebies website and making Daddy's friends laugh. In the afternoon Mummy took me for a walk and then we all went to the dentist. Mr Hancock looked in Mummy's mous and took a picture, and he looked in Daddy's mous and took a picture but he didn't look in my mous because I was shy.
Thursday was Daddy's busday. We went to a nice restaurant and I was whingey because I still wasn't properly well. I wanted to sit on Mummy's knee and then in the highchair and then on Mummy's knee and then in the chair and wouldn't sit on Daddy's knee and didn't want to do colouring. I had a taste of Mummy's soup but wouldn't try Daddy's fishcake. I was happy when Mummy's lunch arrived because they put the chips in a separate bowl and I got to eat them.
On Friday we went to the garden centre but otherwise we didn't do much.