Right so... I havn't updated in awhile cause. My life sucks that much nothing as been going on to talk about. I work alot, and I just sit home cause I have nothing to do. Umm................Today I talked to nick, that was like the highlight of my day. No well talking to tamara is my highlight of my day/life.
Nick and I talked about moving, "Dude talk to you grandparents!!!" At least we can start to get over there and see whats works and what doesn't. And kind of clean stuff up.
I have been finding myself going to Zia's alot. I never buy anything, just look around. I was thinking about getting the Lar's Fredricksen and the Bastards cd. They have a new one, or I was thinking about getting the old one. With "To have or to have not" on it.
Sierra called me like two days ago. Its always nice to get a call from her. She wants me to go up there and stay at her house. I was like "I was just up there I can't drive up there like ever week." No but I will try to get up there, sometime soon.
School is about to start in like a month. Aug 23 oh fun school starts on my birthday how awesome is that. NOT!!! I am a full time student, I am taking
- Writing for Film and T.V.
- Writing 101
- Reading 91 (I know thats the dumb reading class. Thats cause I don't read outside of school.)
- And, Guitar 100 (hope I will learn alot from this class.)
Holy shit Afi is playing in San Diego on the 27 of Aug. go to there website, to the Tour Page. Unless that is just one of the ones they were should to be playing at and canceled and just didn't take this off their page yet. But I went to the Street Scene page
http://www.street-scene.com/04stscene.html And there it still says they are playing. So that would be rad to go too. $55 to go see all kinds of bands.