(no subject)

May 17, 2012 16:22

Title: The 90s were Badass

Fandom: Teen Titans/Young Justice/Young Avengers

Rating: PG

Genre: Au, Crossover, romance, humor

Pairings: Tim/Kon, Teddy/Billy, Kate/Eli (right now all only implied)

Summary: When Tim and Eli walked into their dorm room they were greeted with two things. One, complete chaos and disarray which was, quite frankly, normal. Two, the pounding beat of, dear god the Backstreet Boys? This was all Tommy’s fault. No really.

Disclaimer: I own nothing all rights reserved to Marvel

AN: So this was a little idea I had that was born out of reading to much YJ, TT, and YA all in one night.  Also seeing fanart of the YA gang meeting the YJ gang. This was born out of my 90s dance party cause 90s music was awesome nuff said. Un-betaed but if anyone would like to volunteer I’d be ever so grateful.  Part of my, We'll be a Dream verse

Here at my journal

genre: general, genre: au, pairing: kate/eli, genre: comedy/crack, character: kate bishop/hawkeye, character: eli bradley/patriot, !fanfiction, character: cassie lang/stature, rating: pg, genre: fluff, character: misc, genre: crossover, character: billy kaplan/wiccan, character: jonas/vision, pairing: billy/teddy

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