Fic -> All That Remains

Mar 13, 2012 18:59

Title: All That Remains
Author: purapea
Word Count: 1206
Pairing/Characters: Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilerific for ACC#9
Summary: Tommy struggles to deal with the aftermath of everything that happened, especially Billy’s reaction, and does the only thing he knows how to do. Runs. Teddy notices. [Set in the months as the team recovers from the end of CC9]
Notes: So I’ve had this niggling at the back of my mind since CC9 came out and I had some time on a train ride home to write it up SO HERE IT IS. It’s unbeta’d so there’s probs a lot of grammar errors as well as my terrible writing BUT I HAD TOO MANY FEELS NOT TO GET THIS FINISHED and Tommy and Teddy need to interact more in canon as bros.

In the beginning, Tommy thought it would be easy. Just show him a breaking news story here, an article on crime in Manhattan there, and Billy would get back into his tights and ridiculous cape in no time. But things rarely go his way when he wants them to.

character: tommy shepherd/speed, genre: general, character: teddy altman/hulkling, length: 01000+, !fanfiction, rating: pg

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