Fic: "Beguiled" ¤Tommy, Charles, Erik, XMFC ensemble, Billy ¤pg to R ¤slice of life, romance, angst

Aug 02, 2011 14:46

Hello, everyone. :)
I've just finished my first long Marvel fic, and since it revolves primarily around Tommy/Speed I was strongly encouraged to share it here. It is actually a crossover between X-men:First Class and Young Avengers/Children Crusade. I hope it is allowed here...? It also contains many "hinted at" pairings, both het and slash. It's all outlined in the header, though. :D

Title: Beguiled

Author: Nemesi.

Beta-reader: gravitycomplex (THANKS, love, for helping me bring this monster-child to the world. ♥)

Fandom: X-men first class c/o with Young Avengers

Genre: Slice-of-life. (Gen. Humor. Angst.)

Word Count: 8000+

Characters: Thomas Shepherd (Speed), Charles Xavier (Professor X), Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), William Kaplan (Wiccan). XMFC whole ensemble and a few Marvel comics characters are mentioned.

Pairings: Erik/Charles (pretty much established), Tommy/Kate (mentioned), Tommy/Lisa (mentioned), Billy/Teddy (implied). Cap/Bucky mentioned in passing, courtesy of Tommy's hyperactive imagination.

Rating: mostly PG-13, R in parts.

Disclaimer: Marvel owns my soul - no, I mean, owns these characters and themes.

Warnings: Blatant Tommy-love on the author's part. Disturbing imagery, such as torture and experiments on people is scattered through the text. Much Tommy-Billy interaction; though their bond IS meant to be brotherly and utterly platonic, readers can take it any way they please.

Spoilers: Only the most basic notion from YA have been used here. Same with X-men: First Class.

Summary:  Charles is more than willing to convince himself that Thomas Shepherd has no family relation to Erik Lehnsherr (if only for the sanity of his own mind).

* * * * *

Part 1/3 It starts with a bang

Part 2/3  That the first meeting between Speed and Magneto is unplanned and violent should come as no surprise to Charles, yet surprise him it does

Part 3/3  The end, it also starts with a bang

character: tommy shepherd/speed, rating: r, length: 01000+, !fanfiction, genre: hurt/comfort, rating: pg-13, warning: spoilers, character: misc, genre: crossover, genre: angst/tragedy, warning: other, character: billy kaplan/wiccan, length: 05000+, genre: romance, book: children's crusade

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