May 25, 2011 20:40

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Realization amethyst_amore May 27 2011, 05:48:42 UTC
...I had actually started writing something like this for my YA mother's Day fic collection... I might as well post here. I'm sorry if it's lame >>;;;

The dust had settled, the air had cleared, the questions answered... the battle over.

They were in Avenger's Headquarters and this was the fifth time Teddy was kissing him so hard Billy was sure his lips would be red for days. Not that he was complaining. He was kissing back, too distracted to take in the other heroes around him. The way Cassie was actually hugging her mom with genuine happiness and delight, or the way Eli yelled "Grandpa!" as the stoic face he wore to battle field melted away as he hurried to embrace the tall, quiet man they called "the black Captain America." He didn't hear the original Hawkeye laugh and yell, "Get a room!" or see Cap's beaming smile of pride directed at him and his team.


He stepped away from his boyfriend, ears catching the sound of a frantic, but hopeful voice. He knew her voice instantly.

"Mom?" Billy whispered.

And rounding the corner, husband in toe, his father never looking so relieved in his entire life, Mrs. Kaplan was panting and staring with tears in her eyes over at him, calling him Billy, not Wiccan. His identity, not his alias.

Billy felt his throat close up as tears of his own forced themselves to roll down his cheeks.


His feet moved on their own, running like down the hall and toward her open arms like the lead in some cliched drama, reuniting with the ones he thought he'd never see again. And as Billy latched onto her, the two of them spinning and ultimately falling to their knees, his face buried into her shoulder as she hugged him so tight his chest hurt, he really couldn't bring himself to care.

Teddy had somehow made it beside them, laying a hand on the sobbing woman's shoulder as she leaned over to kiss his cheek, murmuring Teddy's name just as lovingly as she had Billy's. Mr. Kaplan helped Teddy to his feet again and held him like a son, and that scene just about did it for Billy. Everything was right, now. Everything was perfect...

Through eyes that couldn't stop spilling over in blissful contentment, Billy caught sight of Wanda Maximoff over at the other end of the hall, dressed head to toe in red the way she ought to be and smiling gently at him like he always imagined she would. He smiled and nodded back to her. There was an understanding, here. They didn't need magic to communicate that.

Billy broke the connection first, shutting his eyes and pulling himself back to the embrace. He didn't see Wanda turn away, cape flowing without wind as she walked out of site. He didn't need to. He had found something he thought he was lost all along and she wasn't it.

She was the Scarlet Witch. The woman who gave him his power.

This was Rebecca Kaplan. The woman who gave him life.


Re: Realization amethyst_amore May 27 2011, 15:47:29 UTC
This was deliciously poignant!
I love that you included Wanda in this - and the last two paragraphs sum up my feelings towards this matter: even if it turns out that Billy and Tommy ARE the Scarlet Witch's twins, Rebecca will always be Billly's mother.
Thank you so much for filling this prompt!! :D


Re: Realization zyriex June 8 2011, 16:50:47 UTC
Wow, this was really touching. The mention of Wanda was beautiful and the last two lines were especially moving


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