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May 25, 2007 22:17

i just cant believe that next year i will be a junior. I need to stop thinking about that now. Its getting obnoxious.
Sooo. As for my exams i got A's in math, bible, history and chemistry.
I dont have the rest of my grades yet but the only one i know i may not have gotten an A on was Spanish. Im always so tired by the end of the week.
So today was oodles of fun.
After the gay 10 hr assembly was over, (along with all the rule breaking dresses the girls were wearing) KTZ and i were off to MOES to meet ashley and ashleigh.
Steph and Nikki also came but couldnt stay.
After that we engaged in some jamba drinking festivities. I dont know. it was just yummy. Then we went to the feature presentation....
PIRATES 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so freaking amazing. I know i always take a little while to jump on the band wagon but its only because some things take longer to grow on me than others.
what im referring to is my new love for orlandiii and johnny depp.
i mean, i just realized how much i really like them. Although ive always thought orlando was gorgeous in the lord of the rings hahahaha. elf boy. but seriously he's really hot in that movie.
and pirates. After the movie ktz and i drove to my house (she met justin hahaha) and then went to graduation (got lost along the way)
I had to sing in my disco ball dress and lauren stern and bird brought a blow horn.
it was funny until i realized who was doing it. All the speeches were really great.
I really liked Gabby's [= it was a lot of analogies lol
Tomorrow will be another busy day, then Mon. i go on the disney trip which should also be oodles of fun.
ill try to update in the next few days instead of only writing on major occations.
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