Jeremiah Wade Thomas was born at 1pm on march 16,2010. He weighed 8lbs and was 20inches long. March 16 also happens to be my grandmothers birthday, and shes always wanted a grandson with red hair....well now she has a great grandson with strawberry blonde hair (and alot of it too), blue eyes, and dimples =] She said it was the best birthday present she has ever gotten. He is perfect in every way! The doctors...not so much. My mom and a regular nurse pretty much delivered my baby. I was in labor for 14 hours and the doctor did not come to see me even once. Well since he was born ive been in severe pain, which i associated with an 8lb baby coming out of my vag....but turns out that wasnt the case. Wednesday i was in such severe pain i couldnt stop crying and couldnt move at all....well i finally got myself moving alittle and decided to take a shower. 5 min into that shower i was almost to the point of passing out. my vision was almost gone and my hearing was muffled....i screamed for my boyfriend to come and he did. he had to hold me up and keep me conscience. he then helped me out of the shower and get dressed and took me to the hospital. (my mom watched the baby). At the hospital we find out i have a fever of 102 and a possible infection.....well after pelvic checks and internal ultrasounds we find out that part of my placenta had been left inside me (it was no longer there since i had passed it sunday night. [i thought it was just a big blood clot, guess not] ) Because of the placenta being left inside me i now have an infection in my uterus...awesome right? One of my uterus walls is still really thick and the ER doctor suggested i stay over night and get a DNC, which is a procedure were they scrape out everything in ur uterus to clean it out. Well my doctor, who mind you never came to the birth, said oh noo she doesnt need one. so they sent me home and im now on 2 heavy duty antibiotics and pain meds...oh and come to find out im anemic and have been borderline anemic for a good part of my life, and no one ever said anything to my mom or i about now im also on iron pills...yeah its been a great week... =( Atleast I have a healthy and adorable little boy, who is perfect in every way. He hardly ever cries and is such a joy for everyone to be around. I will post some pictures of him =] xoxoxox
daddy and baby sleeping at hospital
right when they cut his cord and laid him on me =]