Oct 15, 2005 08:06
Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes and congrats!
I'm around. I've been busy, and when I haven't been busy, I've been in a very "poor me" mood, so that's why my LJ has been kinda quiet lately.
I have to go into work this morning. Uggg. I'm hoping I can trade these hours for some hours off this coming week.
Brian wants to go to the Octoberfest thing that they're having at the Timonium fairgrounds. I think I'm going to tell him to go without me (the plan is to meet a group of his friends up there). I don't know much about Ocktoberfests other than they serve lots of beer and brats, neither of which I like at all (and I'm not a fan of the Timonium fairgrounds either). My free time has become too valueable to me to give up a whole afternoon to attend an event I have no interest in. If he goes, I can stay home and get ahead on my school stuff, so I can have the rest of the weekend free.
Things I do want to do this weekend:
call my sister to wish her a happy birthday
watch the SATC DVD that came from Netflix weeks ago and has just been sitting around
go to Wegmans
use my Ann Taylor Loft coupon/savings certificates