141 [text]

Apr 06, 2011 22:55

[private to Loki]

I'm not your warden, but I'd like a word with you.

[locked to Armand's friends]

I talked to our new Captain Harkness.

friends, loki is my kitty daddy, helping a friend, a not so polite request, worried, captain jack harkness

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Comments 105

{Friend Filter} so_meretricious April 7 2011, 04:43:48 UTC
{Holmes speaks in a cautious tone.} Pray tell, what did your investigation reveal?


{Friend Filter} young_idealist April 7 2011, 04:48:20 UTC

[Armand sounds ragged, if that is the right word for hoarse and a little out of it.]

He doesn't remember, but I was able to guess that from context. And I'm not a genius like some people. [Yes, he's sounding more bitter about that.]

But he also seems more than a little skeptical of the idea of having been here before. Up to a point anyway.

I don't think I can have a conversation like that again.


{Friend Filter} so_meretricious April 7 2011, 05:07:11 UTC
{Holmes makes no reaction to the genius comment, which is good, because if he did it would likely not be a polite one.}

If he troubles you so, I would suggest to avoid him. Perhaps you might find yourself a suitable distraction elsewhere.


{Friend Filter} young_idealist April 7 2011, 05:15:27 UTC
[It wasn't directed at Holmes, actually, but Armand isn't doing great today at directing his barbs appropriately.]

I mean to try to avoid everyone.


[Friends Filter] ichoosefight April 7 2011, 04:46:37 UTC
How'd it go?


[Friends Filter] a little vague coz log isn't quite done young_idealist April 7 2011, 04:50:28 UTC
It was better in some ways. He wasn't outright angry.

But... how can someone be skeptical of the very idea of having been here before one second and be guessing at very personal things the next? I felt like I had a sign hanging around my neck.


[Friends Filter] ichoosefight April 7 2011, 04:52:20 UTC
Maybe he catches on quick. The important thing is, how are you?


[Friends Filter] young_idealist April 7 2011, 05:00:49 UTC
I want out of here. When I decided to stay, I didn't think I'd be dealing with this.


Private whattheytellyou April 7 2011, 09:02:13 UTC
How'd it go?


Private young_idealist April 7 2011, 13:40:47 UTC
I don't think I can stand to be in the same place as he is.


Private whattheytellyou April 7 2011, 14:29:38 UTC
Why not?


Private young_idealist April 7 2011, 14:30:42 UTC
Probably because I'm a coward.


private; fivestepsahead April 7 2011, 09:03:46 UTC
I see there are people asking about what happened, so I won't repeat it.

But what will you do, now?


private; young_idealist April 7 2011, 13:42:07 UTC
I'm taking a few days to recuperate in my cabin. I don't feel like seeing anyone, because at the moment, I'm not thrilled with the idea of seeing people ever again.


private; fivestepsahead April 7 2011, 13:45:48 UTC
Do you need food and drink delivered?

[ He doesn't mind doing it mostly because he doesn't have enough to do, and he's avoiding sleeping. ]


private; young_idealist April 7 2011, 13:47:29 UTC
Some food in a few days may be welcome. I have a little bit stashed and my cabin has its own supply of tea and water source.


(The comment has been removed)

Private young_idealist April 7 2011, 14:42:56 UTC
You know very well that it is. I know how you feel about him, but killing people is wrong and... it makes me a little sick inside to hear what you've said and done about this. I cannot be your conscience forever. Please...

You don't need to drag the captain to my cabin any longer.


(The comment has been removed)

Private young_idealist April 8 2011, 03:07:38 UTC
Less with the gloating in public, please. You're courting getting shot at the ver least.

Try putting Dr. Rex Lewis completely out of your mind. Your hatred of him isn't worth hurting yourself.

And... I cannot claim it went well. But I didn't get shot.


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