Why Me All
the Time?!?!
Today isn't a good day! The vet called back about my dog 'Chiquita' and said they don't know what's the matter with her but she might have a brain tumor =( So we have to send her to Jax. and hopefully they say it isn't and that it is something small that they can treat. If it is a brain tumor then we have to put her to sleep =( I can't handle all this shit... geez... I love my puppy so much. She is the only one there for me and wipes my tears away when I cry *she really licks them away, but still* I love her so freaking much and I don't want to put her to sleep =( Hopefuly she will be okay! I'm praying for her... Sounds funny but could you pray for my puppy because I need her in my life! I've been holding her all day and crying every now and then =(
I love you