Well today was pretty good. I woke up around 9:00ish got a shower and went to the doctor, yup it was my kidneys like I thought. Got some med. and a fight with some gay nurse he was so freaking rude... grrr... then solved that and went and saw Justin. I missed him so much. Haven't heard from him in a long time so it was great to see him. After that went to Sparkle N Shine and got my car washed and waxed
it so needed it! The dude was trying to flirt with me so bad and I was like " Ummmm.... can you clean this off... " and like I thought he said " Sure! " HAHA I got him to clean John's puke up that was on my seat belt... its a squeaky clean now... funny shit! Then back to my house I went to clean up dog vommit, gosh my poor puppy isn't feeling good and has been throwing up and shitting a lot. lol! I shouldn't be laughing.... sorry I love my puppy! But yeah had to do that and then I did my shit around the house to make my Mom happy and then had a horrible dinner. The steak was so nasty
so then after that my parents got up and went to have a cig and I hurried up and cleaned the kitchen to see my baby
I never have cleaned the kitchen that fast... but I did! After that I left and went to see my John and hung out with him for a while. Talked and watched t.v and cuddled and what not
Geez... I love that kid like crazy... hehe! Xoxo Then I was on my way home because I had to come home early according to my Mom due to John having a job.... lol! She's weird! But yuh I was on my way home and Sean calls me and tells me he is comming over so yeah he showed up and brought Mike and Thomas... which I didn't know were comming to but its all good. Hung out for a little they tried flirting with Tiara online didn't work... they tried to get me to get Cordelia over... she couldn't come so they finally resorted to music for a little and some food and then I kicked them out because I wanted to get a shower and go to sleep. SoOo yuh they left and I had to call my baby and say good night. Now I'm sitting here just thinking that I need to get my hair dyed, gotta go to the tanning bed tomorrow * I'm so freaking WHITE... ahaha * , I need to save up money, and I need some new clothes and some cute underwear. I got some working to do if I want all this
I hate work though... some how i will get the money i need and still not work to much.
Can't wait till the fourth of JULY bitches... Can't wait to watch the fireworks with John... never kissed and watched fireworks before... Can't wait! Should be great... hopefully it doesn't rain or I will be pissed off. I also want to go to the beach that night... hopefully stupid people go and let fireworks off there because that would be pretty!
Anyways if you haven't heard / seen R.Kelly's new songs Trapped In a Closet: Chapters 1 - 5 you gotta listen to them/ see them / read them. There on my last post before this one.... Please read there good
Dreams :: John ::
Missing :: John ::
But seeing him soon!