May 02, 2007 18:20
I have not updated since I posted my schdule for this year..last year
So lets try it again:
00- AP Gov/AP Macro
0- Marine Bio
1- AP Calc AB
2- Lunch[hopefully switching into Biochem]
3- English IV [Schelieferrrrr]
4- Externship
5- AP Enviro
dont walk across campus after every pd and start and finish near the grey locker pod. I like it. Except that Im having to fight my way into Biochem. The juniors flooded it and now I cant take it. What ever happened to seniority??
Im going to Tampa, Orlando and Gainesville this weekend.
I leave for California in 7 days. Im missing the AP American ntl exam.
AP Stat ntl exam is on Tuesday.
life is good. [except the whole scheduling nonsense]