snow? tomorrow?

Nov 30, 2004 20:12

So yesterday I got ice cream at lunch because I somehow got lucky and had my named picked out by Mr Frank. I looove ice cream=)

Today I got like 1000 projects assigned. Well maybe like 5...but then there's others that have already been assigned that are soon due. It's not cool. Why suddenly so much homework and projects all of a sudden?

I hear 2-5 inches of snow tomorrow. eeekkkk.=) Snow is fantastically beautiful. And amazing fun to play in. We are setting up a day to play as soon as we get that snow and it doesn't melt.

Tomorrow is my dearest Sarah Bear's birthday!!
My message to her that I have already said 100x times is
Happy Birthday!=)

Pep Rally on Friday. I'm excited. Guy/Girl is going to perform.
I just hope it okay goes okay...or maybe good?...
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