manifesto check
i will move on and be terribly happy with my new life despite everything that has happened in the past few months, starting today.
making progress... sunsets enjoyed = 2. fireflies chased = many. kittens petted = bimo... but he really loves it. friendships = too many to count.
i will let go of the anger i feel towards dev/stu, mallory, and brandy starting today.
stu = not angry, still in love with him, but not angry. brandy = not angry at all. mallory = the anger has subsided.
i even left her a comment in her journal explaining my position i will surround myself with only positive energy and spew it out at all times. i will make the people around me so happy that they will feel the need to do the same. i will be a better person, starting today.
i think for the most part i've done an o.k. job at that.
i will find a job this week and i will know beyond a shadow of a doubt if i should take it or wait for another to come through.
i had a very good interview and am getting paid $200 to be a camp counselor for a week so i'm gonna consider that progress
i will lose 15 pounds and keep it off starting today.
very little progress made on this one. fuck.
i will not let myself get entangled into drama and negative crud any longer, starting today.
i've done a pretty good job of this!
i will be myself, at all times, in every situation, and i will be proud of my actions, starting today.
a very good job of this. i'm finally feeling like "me" again.
my skin will finally clear up and stay that way, starting today.
looking a bit better.
i will have amazingly intellectual conversations with wonderful, beautiful people at least once a day, starting today.
very good job of this thanks to all of my wonderful friends.
i will let myself fall again, but not lose myself within him... starting whenever i feel ready to start over.
i'll consider it progress that i know i'm not ready to start over yet.
progress made.
also i did a makeover on myself last night... and if i do say so myself i look fucking great.