Title: 별별별 별들아 부탁해: A Fairytale
Pairing: HyoSica
Rating: G
Summary: Jessica sings to the stars.
Note: I had a writing exercise for homework to write a fairytale and this is what I came up with, as I listened to 별별별 on repeat.
Once upon a time there was a girl who sang to the stars every night before she slept. Her golden hair shone under the moonlight as she looked out her window and sang, the crisp clear notes soaring out of her mouth like orange leaves falling through sharp autumn air. She thought of love and righteousness as she sang herself to sleep. Her sister slept in the room next door, turning in her sleep as the notes reached up at the twinkling stars and fell short. The girl sang of dreams to come true, love to be found: soft tan skin and caramel hair. She sang of another girl, one with a beat pulsing under her skin, a dance in her steps. She sang and she sang and she cuddled under the blankets of her bed, staring up at the stars that blinked back at her. The girl sang until her voice grew weak and her eyes grew heavy, and then she counted the stars - one, two, three….again: one, two three - as she fell into sleep and dreams of dancing girls with swinging hair.