brock permissions meme

Jul 12, 2006 03:05

.: permissions meme :.

Age: 17 (and yet so much more immature...)
Height: 5'7"ish
Eyes: squinty
Hair: black (Pokemon series), brown (Advanced Generation series)

Medical Info: Just a normal kid--well, as normal as Pokemon characters are (aka little things like 30 foot falls, electrocution, and exposure mean nothing). Has nine younger brothers and sisters, so has probably had every childhood disease known to man.

Physical Traits: Dark skin, spiky hair, squinty eyes--they're genetic. It's possible for his eyes to open more than little slits, but very, very rare. Brock is physically fit from hiking across the world watching Ash train pokemon.

What's Okay to Mention: Anything. The whole multiverse/fictional thing will be met with confusion. Badmouthing his friends (or -your- friends) is one of the very few ways to get Brock really angry. If you're a beautiful girl who namedrops an obviously significant other (and you DO have to be obvious), he'll back off...sortof.

Notes For the Psychics: Not much in here. Brock spends at least 50 percent of his brain power thinking about girls. The remaining thoughts would be of his friends & family, pokemon, cooking and cleaning, love, and women. He has no creamy emo center, but does have an internal database of (bad) pick-up lines.

Abilities: Skilled at pokemon training and breeding. Can cook, clean, sew, calm babies/baby pokemon, and other housewife-y things. Is skilled with computers, for example, able to hook them up to his bat pokemon and use it as a sonar. Can tell the subtle differences between people who look identical (at least if they're hot ;P)

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc.? Sure? Comic violence/ear-pulling/friendly insults are canon, and anyone is more than welcome to get physical hurr hurr hurr, especially if he's hitting on you/a friend. Mm, Brock will almost always fail his save v. girls, so even if you're underaged/actually a pretty man, doesn't matter; he'll do stuff for you without qualms. Of course, anything you want to ask about, send mail or poke me on AIM/MSN.

Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Yes please? 8D While professing his love, Brock often clasps girls' hands, but otherwise does not touch them. As for others, things like a friendly clap on the shoulder or other casual gestures are not unheard of.

Fighting: Brock does have pokemon at camp who can battle, or fight evil if necessary to defend/support his friends but I blank on movesets he's a lover, not a fighter, and will avoid fights if at all possible. As for a physical brawl or fist fight...eheheh. Also, as a gentleman, he could never hit a girl (it's arguable if his pokemon's attacks could).

Maim/Murder/Death: No thanks? Pokemon characters Don't Get Hurt (there's only what, one people doctor they meet in 500+ episodes and four (six?) countries?), and just...nnn. If there were a funny way to pull it off, Brock could die, but I'm uncertain if he's ever met a moogle... >.>

Cooking: He's good at it. He enjoys it. I write him as thinking of it as a stress-relieving activity. He'll do it for you, for your friends, your enemies, and he'll teach you if you want. He's not (really) insulted if you don't eat his food, but why wouldn't you want to?

stupid memes, eee! data!, canonball!

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