july-october posts 8D

Oct 18, 2008 01:34

w-wow, that was a long time @.@
Mint is gonna be in here too, because I don't think I can be assed to update two journals. :P


[wed 16]
+ It's raining Emiris! Hallelujah~

[thurs 17]
+ got a Spetnaz beret from Ocelot! (Totally better than UPS)

[wed 30]
+ met Sou and Sui


[sun 3]
+ Offered to train with Aizawa Kouichi and his skitty (what a team!)

[sat 23]
+ Apollo Justice and his CHORDS OF STEEL (not a robot--such a bait-and-switch) Also, chatting with Rosalyn


[wed 3]
+ travel plans with Keiichi
+ Unexpected pervert-ity with Emma (didn't even have a chance to get to the EXPECTED pervertity! ;o;)
+ Alto (who doesn't believe in training baby pokemon D:) and Brock fails at sweet-talking Sheryl

[sun 14]
+ Magic spy school with Hajun; the mysteries of ninja communication with Ash; and Sis' friend can see ghosts (scary)!
+ Ianto is not a spandex-wearing warrior for justice...sadly.

[wed 24]
+ Phones with Takebe Youhei


[wed 10]
+ Intro post! Bowser, Cortana, Ranka, Honlon, (Brock)

[tues 23]
+ Volunteering to become Namine's agent (ttly helpful rly)

[mon 29]
+ No pancakes, and the threat of pumpkins in a ridiculously protracted thread of playercest. Mint got to boot Brock in the head, but it was pretty half-hearted. Additionally, Brock mused with the Doctor about being too hungry for Hungary(an cheeseballs--this pun keeps getting more and more painful)


[thurs 2]
+ Brock meets Gino (a totally stand-up guy!) and attempts to convince Kallen of the need to be happy--a task so important it even trumped hitting on her! Neither he nor she leave much of an impression on Mint, though >>

[sat 11]
+ Mint wins a date with Chie...I think? Mint is more interested in Chie's knightly skills brock sooooo wishes this was his post

[tues 14]
+ Brock meets Alfred--a real American hero!!! 8D ...or, an amateur hero, according to Rosalyn

[thurs 16]
+ Mint snarks at the Kaitou Kid (potential rival for [relic]-stealing?)

[wed 29]
+ Brock meets Ranka Lee (a real live pop star!!!) and offers to protect her with ninjas. Also, Alto is a big meaniehead girl-hater :<<<
+ Rosalyn's drop post ;o;

gradually getting better, guys!
also--never going this long again ;o;

post like grape nuts

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