I wish to obtain a downloads of "Earl and Fairy" novels from you. I tried to look into your blog but i can't find the links. I hope to hear a reply soon. Thank you in advance and i apologize for being so sudden. I am desperate to read Earl and Fairy. ><
The reason why you can't find the post is that you need a livejournal account to join my community and access the files. However, I understand it'd be a pain to have to create an lj account just to download a couple of files, so here you go, you can find all the Earl & Fairy novels I have in this mediafire folder.
Those are in Japanese though, if you wanted them in English there are some parts translated here.
Comments 4
Could I please join your community?
I wish to obtain a downloads of "Earl and Fairy" novels from you. I tried to look into your blog but i can't find the links. I hope to hear a reply soon. Thank you in advance and i apologize for being so sudden. I am desperate to read Earl and Fairy. ><
The reason why you can't find the post is that you need a livejournal account to join my community and access the files. However, I understand it'd be a pain to have to create an lj account just to download a couple of files, so here you go, you can find all the Earl & Fairy novels I have in this mediafire folder.
Those are in Japanese though, if you wanted them in English there are some parts translated here.
Have a good read! :)
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