Well. Not quite sure what to do with myself now that I'm on break.
I did have one of my professors ask if I'd revamp all his powerpoint presentations for classes, including the notes for a class I'm taking next semeseter. *snerk* I'll have all the notes before everyone. Head start, baby.
I could start a really intense fitness regimine.... Hmm....
8:00 am - 10:00 am : Some kinda cardio, like 40 miles on the stationary bike (**MUST HAVE**)
10:30 am - 11:00 am : Weight Training, alternating Upper and Lower focus (**MUST HAVE**)
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm : American Ballet Theater Workout
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm : Yourself!Fitness various routine
8:00 pm - 8:30 pm : Yourself!Fitness yoga routine
9:30 pm - 10:00 pm : Lotte Burk Method (**MUST HAVE**)
I could also really throw myself into my reading list and have some fun. I should post it later, since I'm not at my usual computer at the moment. I'm currently still in the middle of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I'm so in love with this book *coughFranciscodeAnconiacough* I want to read her essays "On the Virtue of Selfishness," but they use some speeches from AS that I haven't gotten to yet. I refuse to spoil myself. But yes, objectivism. w00t.
A must do: Catch up on all my chapters I *didn't* take notes on during the last semester so I don't start out next semester behind. My eventual goal is to have detailed notes on all my textbooks. (Okay, say it now. Yes, I'm an overachieving bitch. At least I'm good at what I do.)
I need to work on my LJ layout and get that new Nightwish theme going. I've edited some of the text stuff already, but I need to scan in the image from "Once" and photoshop it.
*takes a moment to fix Launchcast radio with an inquisitive look* Why the hell are you trying to push all of these new songs on me? I've rated over 3,000 other songs. Play those! You know where I stand. *shakes head*
....Now I've lost my train of thought. I better leave it here before it derails completely.
(Oh, and Liz, am very intrigued by the prospect of sex cookies. Will get on AIM at some point in my life so that addresses can be exchanged. Expect love. =P)
Bored by my post? Go here and entertain your inner 3-year-old.
Comic Figures Gone Horribly Wrong XD