#7 Understanding

Sep 19, 2007 19:42

Title: Understanding
Fandom: Legal Drug
Pairing: Kakei/Saiga
Genre: Slash
Table: http://youkohiei-fan.livejournal.com/15038.html
Prompt: #7 Understanding
Rating: PG
Word Count: 532
Warnings: This contains yaoi, my first fic for this fandom.
Disclaimer: I do not own Legal Drug, b/c if I did it would have several volumes out by now instead of just three.

"Rikou, bastard, has to go too? Why Kakei-san, I'm responsible enough to do a job by myself." Puppy eyes looked up at their employer, pleading with the seer.

"How about the time you almost drowned in the park, or when you let that kitten jump out the window, or when you broke the table in the backroom..."

"Now, now, Saiga. Kudo-kun does have a point, maybe we should see if he can handle such a dangerous and scary job on his own." Kakei put on a worried face, as Saiga looked at the widening eyes of the teen.

"Dangerous? Scary?"

"Oh yes, that's why I wanted Rikou-kun to go with you so you'd be safe and not get eaten by some monster, and I don't want to have to make you pay the cancelation fee." The teen let out an 'eep'. He had forgotten about the cancellation fee, and the look that shone behind those eye's struck fear into the boy.

"O-okay, I want the idiot to come with me, I'll just use him as a human shield."

"That sounds perfect Kudo-kun, I'll just send you the directions to your cell phone's." With that the teen left. Strong arms wrapped around the lithe form of the blonde.

"You really are sadistic, aren't you?" Large hand's began roaming over the seer's waist, tracing the seams of the coat the other was so fond of.

"It's just so fun to tease them, though Rikou-kun is a bit harder to fool." Light kisses made their way across Kakei's jaw as Saiga chuckled.

"You have a point." Thin hands touchen Saiga's cheek gently, running finger's down his cheek's.

"In time they will come to understand how much they need each other."

"With how thick headed the kid is and how stubborn Rikou is that will take awhile."

"If I remeber correctly, when we first met it didn't take too long for us to come to an understanding." Kakei's lip's found their way to Saiga's. The taller of the two wrapped his arm's tighter around the slim waist.

"Yep that's when I realized I'd be stuck with a sadistic, beautiful guy that's able to read people's future's."

"You're quite sweet, Saiga-chan." Kakei smiled lovingly up at his lover as he left the other's embrace. Saiga swept a hand through his dark hair, a smug smile on his lip's.

"What do you want to do now that they're gone?" Kakei's eye's shone with a predatory gleam as he turned to face the taller male. Saiga shivered and his smile widened.

"They'll be gone for a few hour's, I think we can find something to past the time with." He then grabbed Saiga's hand pulling the other toward's the entrance of the store.

"Wouldn't want any customer's walking in to an empty store, now would we." Kakei took his free hand turning the 'open' sign around. Then with a smile that made Saiga blush, he tugged the man toward's their own room.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

table, kakeisaiga, legal drug

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