new year

Jan 02, 2007 01:32

1st of januray, a new year, a new life. most of us are slaving over books studying while i am just surfing and reading stories and writing more on hell hospital. went for countdown in 1utama with joyce and justign n second sis. it was jammed packed, and we were totally squashed in the crowd. i hated it, but in the end, i think it's worth the beautiful fireworks that i witnessed, leaning against the parked Mercedes, as each sprak flew into the air to form pefect spheres. i like the blue and gold ones best. the one at The Curve had one set that looked like fishes flying into the sky. it was nice too. ^^

there were also teh green and red ones, and teh red and gold ones, and also the one that was liek those sweet that explode in your mouth. it was nice. ^^

exams on teh 3rd, 5th and 6th. after that i'm definitely going out with ching. tomorrow will be a busy full day at the library. =.=;;;


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