(no subject)

Jul 10, 2011 18:36

 Story Name: Family Life: A Hanchul Fanfic
Rating: PG
Pairings: Hanchul - Maybe others e.g. Kangteuk, Yunjae etc.
Summary: A story that involves two men, five kids and a lot of sighing. Heechul has left his idol life to deal with the joys of being a stay at home mum whilst Hangeng still lives in the spotlight during the day and then becomes everyones favourite appa when he walks through the door.
Warnings: Mpreg, a lot of Whiny!Heechul and Superhero!Hangeng, children... lots of them!


Heechul yawned as he lazed his way out of bed. Geng had left him hours ago with a kiss to the lips, the question of is there anything you want and a re-run of his schedule. Heechul knew that 80% of his children would be awake right now and he dreaded what they had gotten up to in his temporary absence. After getting dressed into something he didn't care his children would ruin, he freshened up in his and Hangengs en suite and then headed downstairs to meet his doom.
In the kitchen sat his two eldest children, Sheng Li was happily munching away at his bowl of choco hoops and Ju-Long seemed happy with the lump of charcoal Heechul quickly identified as a slice of toast. They greeted him sweetly with a chorus of "Morning Umma" so he gave them both a quick hug and squeeze on the cheeks. He wondered where his two little terrors were but then decided he didn't want to know. Hyun Jung Bao would still be sleeping in her cot so Heechul decided it was time to collect her and start the day. He set some oatmeal in the microwave to cook ready for Baos breakfast and then set off to collect his baby girl.
As he walked from the kitchen to the large stairs in the main hallway he could hear rapid fire Russian coming from the study.
'What are they up to now?' Thought Heechul. ' Actually I don't think I will ever understand.' So he shrugged and went on past the study and up the stairs to Bao's room. He crept through the door as quiet as a mouse just so he could watch Bao sleep peacefully in her cot. He walked slowly over until he was right next to her and he could see every little dark eyelash and every flicker of movement on her face as she dreamed.
Heechul never regretted the decisions he had made in life so far. He was happy with his wonderful family and the life they led and he was still famous enough that his fans recognised him in the street when he walked his older children to school and went shopping for his weekly groceries with the twins and Bao.
"-Ma" Bao woke up with a one toothed smile on her cute little face. She quickly stuck her hands in the air and waved them around at her umma whilst kicking her little legs.
"Aigoo my child is so cute!" cooed Heechul as he reached down and scooped his child up, she wriggled in his arms until he reached the chest of drawers and picked up her three favourite dolls. She happily held them in her arms as they returned to the kitchen just as the microwave went "ding!". Heechul quickly placed Bao in her high chair and secured her in then turned to Sheng Li.
"Wheres Ju-Long gone?" He placed the oatmeal in front of Bao and quickly grabbed a spoon to feed her with.
"He went to his room, said that he had important business to attend to," Sheng Li cocked his head to the side, "Why?"
"Aishh that kid, he doesn't know what important business is! He's six..." Heechul fed Bao in tiny spoonfuls until the bowl was empty, "Do you know what the twins are up too?"
Sheng Li looked at him as if to say 'You really want to know..' Heechul just shook his head at his eldest childs obvious dislike of his younger, more annoying siblings.
Heechul asked," Can you watch Bao on her playmat in the lounge please?" Sheng Li quickly agreed and carried his sister into the TV room. Heechul decided that now was a better time than any to see what his twins were getting up to.
He opened the door and was met by his two four year old playing some first person shooter game that definitely wasn't rated U and wasn't even in Korean. Both children had on mic headsets and were screaming at the other players in a mixture of Russian and Cantonese swear words.
He didn't even say a word as he walked to the TV they kept in the study and flicked the power button. In sync the screams began and Heechul was quick to escape the room but not before taking the Xbox with him. He skillfully hid it in his underwear drawer and returned downstairs, unscathed for the moment. As he breezed through the TV room on his way to the mailbox he quickly warned Bao that if she broke the dolls she was currently holding then she wouldn't be getting anymore 'til her birthday that was nearly a whole year away.
Heechuls ears suddenly pricked up, he could swear that someone was shouting his name outside, he was going to get the mail anyway so he could kill two birds with one stone.
Opening the front door he had the biggest fright of his life...
Sitting on the roof ledge, right above the front door, was his six year old son. His heart was now beating wildly in his chest and visions of Ju-Long slipping and falling had him feeling faint all over.
"Finally Umma! I've been sat out here for ages! Can you get me a ladder? I'm a bit stuck..." Heechul stood and goldfished for a minute or two until he screamed,
"SHENG LI! BRING ME THE PHONE!!!!" Sheng Li came running with the handheld device and then laughed when he saw the predicament his brother was in.
"Don't laugh at your brother! It'll only encourage him!" Scolded Heechul as he furiously jabbed the 1 and 9 buttons on the phone.
"Hello 119, what service do you require?" The operator asked.
"Fire service please." Heechul managed to spit out through gritted teeth. Looking straight at the stranded boy the whole time.
"Connecting you through" Seconds ticked by and Heechuls heart still hammered in his chest.
"What is your emergency?" asked another voice.
"My son from the roof of my house." Heechul asked, hints of anger and fear showing through.
"Is you house on fire sir?" 
"No. It's not, but my stupid son is stuck on it!" Heechul snapped on the phone.
"If you could tell me your address then we will send someone over as soon as possible." Heechul quickly rattled off where they were and ended the call. He went back to furiously jabbing numbers. By this time Sheng Li had fetched his sister from the lounge where she had broken all three dolls and was now screaming bloody murder about it and the twins had come out to see where their game console was but then got into an argument over something and were now screaming at each other in mandarin which made Heechul mistype a number and then curse as he had to start the whole number again. Sheng Li just stood next to him saying about how stress gives you grey hairs especially when you're "old and past it like umma is" and then started going on abut how you could really see Heechuls when he was outside and bathed in natural light. 
The phone connected and began ringing whilst Heechul muttered "pick up, pick up, pick up." into the handset.
"Kyungiiie!!!" Heechul whined down the line.
"What is it Chullie? I'm in the middle of a shoot!" He heard Hangeng sigh and could hear muttering in the background.
"The twins are screaming at each other in mandarin and Hyun Jung Bao has broken three of her dolls heads off and is now crying even though I told her that if she broke them she wouldn't get any more, Ju-Long thought it would be hilarious to climb out of his window and is now stuck on the roof and Sheng Li told me I'm old and way past it and thinks he can even see grey hair starting to show through!!!"  Heechul knew he was hysterical but he felt that desperate ties called for desperate measures!
"I'll be there in half an hour..."
Heechul squealed happily into the phone. His yummy Chinese Prince would swoop in and save this poor damsel in distress!

Thank you for reading! I hope that this first chapter is okay even if its not the largest of chapters! I fear that my grammar is probably not the best even though my native language is English....(I am also in set 1A for my English classes and have finished my GCSE's so it should be good.... I have to disagree)

pairing: hanchul, chapter one, family life, mpreg, fanfiction

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