Dec 13, 2004 21:08
omg. FIVE FRIGGIN DAYS PEOPLE. Five days i went with out internet. I think all my grades have boosted up, and like, ive been taking naps?! WTF IS THAT?!
Okay. So what have i missed to tell. Hm, okay. Gah. i had this like long thing to tell about ....but i cant remember what i'll just talk about kyle's party.
To start off, Kyle's brother Shane...Is the freaking coolest person i will EVAR meet. Im not even joking. Hes like 23? or something, and hes not the slightest bit hott, but hes like, not ugly either, and i would so do him in like 2 seconds. He is so hilarious and-i have to stop myself right now before i go into overdrive. Alright, so anyways. Some stuff that happened at kyles:
-Somewhere in the night we all were in kyle's room and he was playing greenday-time of your life, and we were all in like this circle oF LOVE singing to greenday. It was actually quite magical. ^.^
-Then, danny, Kyle's best friend whose like..sixteen or something has really long hair LONGER THAN MINE! and he was headbanging and doing that one thing where you head bang in circles and your hair goes like flying. Lol so i proved to him that i could do it too.
-Mark took a picture of his penis with Kelsey's camera phone.
-Mark and danny started moshing together haha, in kyles living room. and then kyle ran to join in and he was going crazy but danny and mark were just standing there looking at him. hahaha.
-when i first got there i was playing fight club and i beat 3 guys and i was on the last level trying to beat this guy. "DO SOMETHING BESIDES SUCKING!!11" *pressing buttons like crazy*
-The ring was on the tv but no one was really watching it and danny was talking about the little boy in the movie..
D: that kid really needs to kill some people
Me: with what? his drawings of circles?
-Shane is awesome. <32473298732985732985723
-we were all outside playing this one game where one person gets on all fours (secretly) behind you and another person pushes you so you'll fall over. so that was pretty fun. lol, and greg and mark got me so i was chasing after them and i pushed greg to the ground. Which backfired because he tackled me lol but then i ACCIDENTLY punched him in the balls. *wince* cha...
-Mark was on all fours and he gave me a piggy back ride. well..until we got to the concrete...then he was in pain.
-Shane picked up kyles phone from the grass cause he dropped it and im like
me: you should keep it and be like 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!'
shane: STUPID! *in this hilarious voice..thing*
-Mark was running around the house trying to take pictures of my boobs. lol.
-Monica-sucks at pool. so incredibly much.
-Earlier me and kelsey were talking about this one girl "T" who thinks..shes Anyway but kelsey was like, "Yeah, she doesnt look good with clothes on."
me: O.O
-We were in kyle's mom's room on her bed.
mark: i slept in this bed its so comfy. i slept on it with kyles mom.
JFOIDSJFOADF DSAFODJSAFDSAF AOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 now i remember what i was going to say. holy shit. alright, so i get to kelseys house at five and her mom is like, "did you see your reigndeers?" Cause we have these light up reindeers in the front of my house. and im like all confused.
Me: wuh?
Her: yeah, well..theres these kids going around the neighboor hood smashing everyones reindeers and rearanging them..and your house..well.. the one reindeer is on top of the other..and..well lets just say they're getting it on on your front lawn.
Okay, so this ties in to what happened before i knew about this. so lets rewind. I was at my house, and the doorbell rings. so i answer it. and its some guy. and hes like ..i dont know, i cant really remember cause i was so confused but he was like, "Yeah did you see your reindeers? something something something Because i sell meat for a living hahahaha! Something something something hahahhaa! Your dad must be a comedian hahahaha! alright bye!"
me: *so unbelivably lost* haha.....k...?
Now lets fastforward once again. I told kelseys mom this and shes like, "what a perv!"
me: what?
Her: thats a two sided meaning. "I sell meat for a living."
me: mhm..?
So before we went to kyles we stopped by at my house. Now i should tell you that i turne don the lights before i left. So we stop dead in my driveway TO SEE BOTH REINDEERS GETTING IT ON ...IN FLASHING LIGHTS. jfdlsajfdas we're all laughing histarically but im like dsalkfjdasl DUDE!!1 SO i had to fix them..and..all is well.