Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends

Dec 27, 2005 01:08

Damn, it feels like all I ever use this thing for these days is yaoi_daily. XD;

So yeah. Christmas was... okay. This year, I wanted to do more for my family than for me. I got mom a $50 gift card to Z Gallery, Erin a $50 gift card to Pottery Barn, and for dad, I got an electric tape-measurer (his new toy) and three Twelve Girls Band CDs -- dad's stuff alone amounted to about $75, but overall, I spent about $215 (including gifts for some of my friends - or, what it feels like now, friend"s"). I didn't want much this year, but hopefully next year will be better. I get to mooch off of Lundin's gifts, anyways. ♥

Speaking of the little shit, he came over today. :D We watched some of his X-mas DVDs - the first one being one of Koda Kumi's concert videos. ♥♥♥!!! Jesus CHRIST, she fucking rocks. She's adorable and AMAZING in concert. I SOOOO want to see her, and I would SOOOO do her, even though I'm as straight as they come. XD~ After that, we watched a DVD of her PVs that came with the Best ~First Things~ album, including the Selfish *fangirl!* PV. *orgasms* Amazing liek woah. :3 After I got finished ripping his CDs and we finished with the DVDs, we wandered into the kitchen with complaining stomachs and made some Japanese onion soup. We found the Benihana recipe for it and made it, just us two. And it was fucking GOOD. :D I even have a little left over for lunch tomorrow. ♥ After we watched the first episode of That 70s Show, we came back out to help with dinner. Once we ate, we went into the garage and played ping pong while listening to Koda Kumi. We are spaztastic. After we got bored, we listened to a bit of Namie Amuro and Mika Nakashima, then went back inside to watch more That 70s Show. And then... he had to leave. :< But we're hanging out tomorrow, too. We're going to lay out and soak up some of the rays this wonderful not-very-winter-y weather is providing us with so that we can get some color on us. And, hopefully, we may be able to go with my mom to go see Memoirs of a Geisha (!!!), a movie we actually care about we've been looking forward to for months. ♥~ It should be great. That, and we may watch Casshern -- some movie he was shitting himself about seeing. It's about some revolution like thingy, and it was said to be an instant hit in Japan. It looks pretty good... hopefully it will be.


I think I need to make more friends. Right now, it feels like I have only two I can really depend on. I don't know. I'm tired of feeling like nothing more than an option instead of a priority while I consider my friends the exact opposite. Priority, well... that may sound a bit selfish, but DAMN. I'm tired of being forgotten.
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