Caucusing, Election Worries.

Apr 06, 2008 01:59

If today's caucus was any indication (at least in the 45th LD) the Democrats are about as unorganized as they come. Check in was supposed to be from 9-10. People started checking in at 8,45 and check in continued until 11,00. Eleven o'clock.

First delegate count wasn't finished until around 1,30-2, and it took them another three hours to figure out how many delegates each candidate got. I left soon after, as I cannot spend all day sitting around in a gym, waiting for people to count other people. Absolutely absurd. Resolutions were also a joke. To do the vote, this one first grade teacher (this I found totally demeaning) had us stand in groups of ten, then count off.

It was a fucking joke. For all their love of bureaucracy, the lack of parliamentary procedure was appalling. Coming from a two-year stint in Youth and Government, I'm a sucker for good Parli-Pro. This was just... Cringe worthy.

There were around 1,200 people there in the morning, and when I left it had dwindled to around 400-450. I'm just worried that the party is this disorganized after about TWO MONTHS of preparation. I acutally spoke with a district official that, and I quote, 'Oh, we weren't expecting this many people.' I almost slapped her. After the record breaking turnout in the primary, they didn't expect masses of delegate to attend. This boggles me.

And it brings me to my (final?) point. What the hell are the general elections going to be like? I've already volunteered to be my precincts PCO, but with the amount of chaos, bureaucracy and disorganization, the countdown November is going to be scary. Really scary. If the process is this convoluted, this difficult at this basic level, how the hell is the national party going to manage this? Or, how the hell have they managed this?

Today, I've both lost and gained respect for my party. This is a disaster.


Obama '08.
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