Aug 23, 2004 07:04
Hey folks I missed ya all! Ya never know how much you'll miss electricity cable and internet service untill its gone and as you may know I live in central Florida and due to hurricane Charlie I got to find out what its like to be with out these things. I am very thankfull that me and my family are safe and there was no damage to our homes but as you may know there are many who were not as lucky so if you pray please pray for them because its going to be a hard. I am going to write another entry later decribing what it was like because I myself have only experienced a tropical storm and I have lived in Florida all my life. I find these storms quite interesting but very dangerous. I know of people that lost everything and one couple in paticular that lost their home and their buisness and their cars. So once again if you pray please pray for these ppl and for now I am going to go but I'll post a little bit later today.