4 stories WIP
Two Original
(1)Untitled - archived here, prolog+3chp
world is the epilogue of Angels Don't Lie
(2)Tinted Red - school proj, prolog+1chp+start of chp2
Two NaruxSasuxNaru...
(3)Angels Don't Lie - AFF archived, 3 chps, 4 in prog, 3 out of ???
http://naruto.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600101138 (4)This Thing We Don't Call Love - AFF and FB archived, 3 chps, 3 out of ???
http://naruto.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600102360 priority:
what I want to do/have ideas for:
(4) ;-;
also 2 different NxSxN story bouncing in my head >:\
Things on my mind:
still no beta >:T
edit: write a naughty yaoi scene /)__(\
edit2: WTF summaries... need to learn it D: