(no subject)

Dec 03, 2010 17:25

NAME: Snapple or Abby.
JOURNAL: snapples-apples
IM: ispyslytherin on AIM
E-MAIL: tsukechick at the gee-mail
RETURNING: I play two characters: gardenerthief and purmoncul

CHARACTER NAME: Connor / Chronicler
FANDOM: FreakAngels
CHRONOLOGY: I’m going to take him from right after he blacked out in episode 0112. Any backstory tidbits I learn from that point on will be worked in, but otherwise that’s it until when/if I decide to canon update him.
CLASS: Hero! ...Even though he and his friends literally broke the world an brought on the apocalypse. They didn't mean to! ...Mostly.

The FreakAngels world is almost exactly like our own, save that 6 years ago, a group of 12 teenagers broke it. By “broke it” I mean that they pooled their awesome psychic powers and blasted energy directly at it to create a global disaster that ended modern life as we knew it. In the time of the story, 11 of those 12 have settled in the Whitechapel district of the flooded city of London, and begun scraping the remaining survivors of the apocalypse together in the hopes that saving and improving their lives will salve their own guilt. Connor is not acknowledged as their leader, but when something big enough that needs all of them to agree on it comes along, it’s often him that brings them together. He keeps their history. He pays attention.

That history goes something like this: 17 years before they ended civilization, 12 children were born at exactly the same time in a small village not far from London. They all had pale skin and purple eyes, regardless of their parent’s ethnicity and coloration, and no one knew why. Neither did anyone know why they were psychic. Some called them freaks, others called them angels. What they were, however, were children. Connor was raised by a single mother, who know to have had many relationships that largely ended with her violently ejecting the gentlemen in question from their house, and who was a drug-dealer. We know that Connor tracked down his biological father when he was older, and that the man seemed reasonable enough, which explained why he now stayed away from Connor's mother. Connor himself seems to have come through it all more or less alright.

At some point, probably when they were first hitting their teenaged years and experiencing all the tumult that comes with them, the government took an interest in them, and the military, and, possibly, the UN itself, since hey, weird-looking psychic kids. They were given over by their parents into the care of a facility whose goal was to assess and at least contain their powers. They did not like this. They ran away. Their pursuers were persistent, so one of them, Mark, began convincing the others that the only way they would be left alone would be to push back. They were all powerful on their own, but they could combine their powers to create larger effects and, in a moment of crisis, Mark pulled them all in to focus their power under his command, and more punched a hole through the center of England. The tremor shook the world, and as far as anyone was able to tell, knocked down all of civilized society. The British Islands, at least, have been left to starve in poverty and disease, huddled in the hollowed out shells of its once-proud cities.

The 12 made it to Whitechapel and claimed it as their own territory, calling themselves the FreaAngels clan (not family, but not gang either), and adopted the hundred or so survivors they found there. Their powers made them better able to absorb knowledge, and they put it to use purifying water, creating food gardens, building steam-powered machines, providing medical care and protecting their people, but they were always careful to keep their powers a secret - they’d had too much trouble and felt too much guilt to let their people know what they were capable of. Connor started a written record of everything that had happened to them, but they had no real plan, no real idea what they were doing, but they did have a few rules, the first of which was that they were not to use their powers to control other people. Mark gave in to his desire for control and began doing just that: running a few of the survivors like drones before the others noticed and cast him out. A few of those others took it upon themselves to follow him in secret, and drove a psychic spike through his brain, killing him to prevent his inevitable return. Or so they thought.

Mark woke up. Mark went out into the country and saw things. Mark eventually sent a girl from Manchester named Alice back to Whitechapel with a gun and the psychic order to use it on the FreakAngels she found there. Connor saw to it that she was calmed, and they were able to purge Mark’s influence from her, but left her with her memories of what had happened and the abilities the clan possessed. He then gave her a job helping on the lookout tower to watch for other incoming threats to Whitechapel.

The group would be attacked three times within the space of a week, as Mark continued to test their defenses. When they finally caught up with him, it was clear that he had come back from the dead and that he was more powerful than before. Between this, Arkady (another of their number who had OD’d on drugs) and Luke (who was shot in the head for breaking Rule Number One himself and generally being a complete ass when people were too busy to deal with him) most of the group realized that not only could they not die, experiencing death actual “unpacked” their powers, upgrading them and making them stronger.

Connor, who was very tired of everyone being horrible to one another in general, quietly came to the realization that this meant that the most powerful FreakAngels were Arkady, who was crazy but in a Luna Lovegood way, and Luke and Mark, who were utter bastards who weren’t afraid to hurt and use others, and that the two of them could do some terrible things to the rest of them if they teamed up. So he went up to his room, took out a gun he’d hidden there, and shot himself in the head to bring an upgrade on himself. While unpacking, he learned that Mark was doing all this because there was something out there that he was afraid of, something the rest of them didn’t know about and couldn’t face. Just before he blacked out for the final reboot, he called on his own particular strengths to force upgrades on the other eight FreakAngels who had not experienced death, bringing them all up to Mark and Luke’s level.

He’ll wake up in the Porter room, truly alone for the first time in his life.


Connor is first and foremost a caretaker. He is calm and in control of himself and his own actions at all times, while remaining utterly patient with others, accepting that they may not always be. He knows that people need a place and a purpose in order to be happy, and goes out of his way to help them find and keep such things. He’s got a very ordered, methodical approach to problem solving, and his careful and observant mind often picks up on details that others have missed, allowing him to discover or infer that there are pieces of information missing, if not always what those pieces are. He knows that there is much that he does not know, and his humble because of it.

He hasn’t had a long-term dream or goal for his life since he went into government custody, other than to keep him and his fellow psychics alive, safe and as content as possible. Only recently did he truly embrace building a permanent, sustainable home for the people of Whitechapel as something that he and his clan could do, happily, for the foreseeable future. While many of the FreakAngels are seen actively swallowing their guilt at the suffering of those around him, Connor simply becomes quiet and more determined. This is probably due more to the fact that he’s distanced himself from a great deal of that suffering by assisting and coordinating the other 10 FreakAngels instead of intervening directly to help feed, water, provide for and heal the ragged people himself. He certainly wishes they hadn’t fucked the world up so badly, but it happened, and now they have to deal with it. The best way to learn from past mistakes is to remember and understand them so that they won’t be repeated, and it’s his job to make sure the group does that.

Part of what makes Connor such a sweet kid is that, like many people who focus themselves on others, he’s not always very good at recognizing or valuing his own. He believes his work as a chronicler is important, as is the job of keeping everyone else more or less pointed in the same direction (or at least not at each other), but Connor has always done his work from the middle, if not the back of the pack. His self-image has a great deal to do with this: he spent most of his youth overweight in comparison to his friends, and though he lost all of it as a teenager, and is at least superficially he still carries himself like someone who would rather disappear than be looked at - he hides behind his hair

He’s easily overlooked, even by himself.


Okay crazy psychic superpowers.

1) Mind Reading / Telepathy - Other people's minds are like open books to Connor - not only can he sense their presence, read what's on the surface, and rifle for memories, he can project his image and voice into their heads (usually manfiseted as his face talking to them from a reflective surface, but this is not necessary) and even share his own memories. This is Connor's primary thing - he reads minds casually and communicates telepathically with his clan-mates all the time, and is used to people not noticing that he's doing it.

2) Psychokinesis - Connor can create a "push" of energy strong enough to crack concrete, bend metal and break bones in what is basically an invisible ball three feet in circumference, for a brief period - it's like a psychic wrecking ball. It's been shown that he can also manipulate this energy in a more sophisticated way, allowing him to unlock doors from the outside, for example. He can also concentrate this strength into a shield about 3 feet in diameter with similar strength - it can stop bullets.

3) Networking - This is how I'm working with the FreakAngel's ability to stack their powers - Connor can borrow other people's abilities and lend out his own, though all parties involved must be working in tandem. It works best with other FreakAngels, and his power increases in orders of magnitude in line with how many of his clan he's working with. Four of them can take down a building casually, and put it back together using Psychokinesis just as casually. He could, for example, give Daredevil the ability to listen in on other people's thoughts with him, or direct Toph's ability to earthbend, but Daredevil could only listen to who Connor was listening to, and Toph would have to willingly channel her energy to him. The more FreakAngels are involved, the more people they can bring into the Network - one outsider each.

[The comm flicks on to show Connor walking down the steps of the Public Library in Bryant Park. He's still wearing that same long canvas duster, but now has a thick sweater, scarf and fingerless gloves that look like they're holding up better in the cold. He's certainly smiling.]

Hello City, Chronicler here.

I have to tell you, it's amazing to just have a library again, to have Wikipedia back. I know most people take it for granted, but it's amazing how much we've come to rely on something that is for all intents and purposes complete magic compared to what people've been living with throughout history.

I do wonder though, how are we all used to keeping records, saving and sharing information, those of us who aren't local?


Connor sat back against the wall next to his bedroom closet, finally finished with unpacking the bags he'd brought back from the grocery store, and surveyed his work. He'd arranged the canned food by type on one half of the floor, and then stacked dried fruit and jerky on top of it. The salt and sugar were sealed in large tupperware containers on top of some cardbord laid over jugs of water. The jugs made him frown a bit - he didn't yet have enough for a week's worth of clean water. He also needed to store matches and candles, and he simply could not decide if he should get fuel for building proper fires. He didn't know where he would keep them, where no one would notice. It wasn't like he had a fireplace, so he'd have trouble explaining its presence to all the visitors he wasn't going to have anyway because no one wanted to naff around with a weirdo who had to go horrify local grocers in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep until he'd spent all the money he'd been given on canned peas.

He wondered what Sirkka, queen of emotions and healing PTSD amongst their clan, would have said.

No, she'd be doing the exact same thing he was. They all would be. You don't survive the loss of everything you have and learn nothing from it.

It was so quiet, without the others. He'd have bet any money in the world that every one of the FreakAngels had dreamed of a world where they were truly alone, to do and think as they pleased without the endless commentary, judgement and just shit that they all gave each other. But here he was sitting amidst an extravagance of civilized comforts and peace and quiet, and all he could do was wonder if he could learn to survive the loss of everyone he'd loved.


SO IN CANON CONNOR IS FRIGGIN IMMORTAL, and every time he dies he gets more powerful. He has in fact killed himself in the past in order to get more powerful in the face of horrors, and thus might conceivably try doing that again. In the interests of mitigating how crazy powerful he is already, I'm going to say that he'll just instant-respawn in the Porter room, exactly as he was when he first arrived.


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