16th Chapter - Kitchen Burning Chapter [Video/Action for Cherrygrove]

Sep 02, 2011 23:48

[Greetings, Johto! Today's video will be bought to you by our lovely Lediancam! The battlefield: Cherrygrove's kitchen! The weapons: All sorts of cooking utensils! Our two soldiers just so happen to be Keiichi and Lucifer standing off. Being his usual overzealous and overdramatic self, Keiichi points towards the stake!]

Alright, Luci! If you want to become the perfect ideal housewife for me, then this arena will be where your skills are going to be tested! Are you ready?

[Lucifer crosses her arms under her chest, tilting her head a bit, there's a knife in her hand as she looks at him]

S-shut up, you! [She turns, giving the camera her back.] Cooking any kind of those dishes will not be a problem to the eldest sister of the Stakes of Purgatory!

[Keiichi steps back a bit while laughing a bit nervously.]

Ummm... Just please be careful with that knife! I wouldn't want you to accidentally cut yourself with it... And besides, do you even know what kind of dish you're going to make?

Keiichi, do you really believe I'm a fool who has no control over her actions? I strike people to death with a blade, handling this simple knife it's a child's play.

[She would pout, but she wouldn't look cool while holding the knife. With her other hand, she flips her hair a bit, returning to answer the question.]

I planned to try my hand in some Italian food.

[There's an awkward pause there. Keiichi isn't even going to touch the subject on where she gotten that idea, but regardless...]

As much as I'd love to try out that kind of cooking, it's far too advanced for you. You should stick with something simpler like curry for now. Even a kindergartener can cook that junk food.

[She stares at him with her sharp eyes.]

Of course not. I'll show you that I capable of cooking this dish without any problem!

[She's already cutting some things while reading the recipe....]

[Keiichi decides to sit back in a chair before smiling to himself.]

Man... If you're really that confident, then I'll leave it to you. [And he'll say this quietly to himself.] I'll... certainly have to reward her for working this hard.

[There's a confident smile at that. Once Keiichi sits down, her Furret comes out to sit down in his lap and grab all the attention she can.

Meanwhile, Lucifer will pretend she knows what she's doing with this dish for a bit longer.]

We put this here... And this too... Mmm~

[Everything seems to be looking well...]

[He'll start to pet the Furret as Lucifer continues cooking away! He would say a perverted comment right now, but decides to keep it to himself.]

Heeeh... She really is cut out to be a housewife! [And he'll pick up the Furret in his hands.] Oi oi, have you gotten a little fatter since I last saw you?


[Taro didn't like the comment and sticks her tongue out to Keiichi while she's being picked up in his hands.

Suddenly, there's a strange noise coming from the stove... Black smoke quickly fills the room, and there's a flame going out of control as well.

Yup, this was fated to happen...]

[There's a super long pause as Keiichi smells something burning, then turns his head to see the smoke and the fire and SUDDENLY HE THROWS UP TARO INTO THE AIR AS HE LETS OUT A CRY.]


[FUUUU▬ The Furret is flying to leave that kitchen like there's not tomorrow. Lucifer jumps back as well, coughing a bit because of the smoke, grabbing one of the pokeballs as well.]

Stop complaining and cease the fire before it explodes▬

[What will happen to our heroes?! Will they survive? Stay in your chair to find it out! And feed cut from there!]

((ooc: Both Keiichi and Lucifer will be replying. Video replies will be an hour later! If it’s action, feel free to rush right in there--!))

only you can prevent kitchen fires!, an epic fail, i love luci, luci is my waifu, uwoooooooooh!!!, yami o kirisaku no desire, trolls gonna troll, troll meter: full throttle, introducting team incompetent, keep your cool, implying he would've done better, pat my head pleaaaaase

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