7th Chapter - Gym Returning Chapter [Video/Action]

Dec 27, 2010 02:12

[The doors to the Goldenrod Gym dramatically burst open as Keiichi walks in. His head was held high, his expectations were higher...! He's changed a lot since the last time he had a gym battle. Even some of the girls in there were giving him looks as if he was a completely different person from a while ago.]

N-No way... Hey, hey.... Do you remember that guy?

Is that really the same guy that ran out of the gym a while back? Look at him!

... He doesn't have a girlfriend, does he? I wanna take him home....!

[... Was this a sign of maturity? Keiichi dismissed the unusual looks from the peanut gallery as he pointed towards Whitney!]

Heh! It's a long time since we've seen each other! But now that I've stepped out of the lowest depth of Hell, I rechallenge you to a gym battle, Whitneeeey!!

Huh? Oh, it's you...! There was a lot I was going to... tell...

Yeah, there's no need to fill in the details. I understand everything now! I really was acting like a stupid little kid!

... ... ...

I know I ran away with my tail between my legs, but I've grown up a lot since then! So please
forgive my irrational behavior towards my Pokemon! This Maebara Keiichi has evolved! This time I'm not gonna shed tears of sorrow, but tears of joy! So, c'mon! Let's have a rematch, here and now!

[There was a snicker from her. Then a sudden laugh from elsewhere. And then the entire gym was covered in a flood of laughter. Whitney couldn't believe what she was hearing!

They weren't laughing at Keiichi's words. If a trainer like him had resolve to want a rematch, then how could she decline? But... How could she take him seriously from what he was wearing this very whole time?! From these reactions, Keiichi felt like crying from the bottom of his heart. But... he had to save his tears 'till the very end of this. For him, the details of the "who dunnit", the "why dunnit" and the "how dunnit" of his attire weren't going to be mentioned.]

Kuh... T-that's right! Go ahead and laugh at me! Laugh to your heart's content!! Laugh until you stop breathing! But I'm dead serious! I've come here to win!

Ahahaha~ Wasn't there another girl who was wearing an outfit like that? Weird crossdressing hobbies aside, I'll accept your challenge!

[1st Round - Girafarig vs. Ledian

This is one of those rounds that you could say: "Don't blink or you'll miss it." If Girafarig was the fast one before, then Keiichi's Ledian was a lot more faster. Taking advantage of the air, it easily zips and dodges through a series of stomps and psychic attacks.]

Alright, Rouge! Give it a Comet Punch!! [Rouge comes zipping down to strike the Girafarig dead in the face. To the people that are watching? Well, you could say that it looked as if a an actual shooting star collided right into Girafarig's skull. From that attack, the creature was completely knocked out and unable to battle. To Keiichi, Whitney's shocked expression was so priceless that he wanted to take a picture and put a frame around it. In a strange turn of events, this was the complete opposite of the time when the bug Pokemon was stomped all over. Keiichi's Ledian gives a very satified smirk as it zips around and throws some small jabs in the air. As for the trainer himself, he strikes a strong, yet fabulous (CONSIDERING WHAT HE'S WEARING OH MY GOD) looking pose as if he were the hero in a battle manga.]

--Heh! If your Girafarig is the ant, then my Ledian is the dragon! I hope you made a wish on that shooting star for luck, Whitney!!

Don't get cocky! This battle is far from over!

[2nd Round - Clefable vs. Ditto

Keiichi decides to switch out since having one Pokemon solo through them all wouldn't be all that interesting for him. At the very least, he wanted to give his Ditto some gym battle experience. And what an experience it got.

There was a big contest of Double Slaps as one Clefable duked it out with the other with a battle to see which was better: The original or the imitation. Then the difficulty grew higher with the two Pokemon using Metronome on each other. Whitney's Clefable uses Ice Punch to crosscounter with Ditto's Fire Punch. Ditto's Hidden Power hits home when it dodges from Clefable's Flamethrower. Ditto's Splash even counters with Clefable's... Splash!

There's a bit of an awkward silence as the two trainers wonder how in Lugia's name did they both use Splash.]

... OI, OI! WHAT'S WITH THIIIIS?! HOW THE HELL DID THEY END UP DOING THE SAME MOVEEEEE?!! [Whitney just waves a hand dismissively at him.]

[Comedy bit aside, the battle continues and eventually Ditto hits home with a Hyper Beam. Whitney's Clefable faints and is unable to battle.]

Hoooh? I guess the imitation defeated the original, wouldn't you agree~?

[Anyone could tell that Whitney was starting to lose her composure.] ... Y-You're acting pretty confident for a guy who's in a dress.

[3rd Round - Miltank vs. Sandslash

Again, Keiichi switches out Ditto for Sandslash. And Whitney brings out her ace Miltank to end this battle. This was a battle between two heavy hitters, there was no doubt about that one.

The battle begins with Whitney's Miltank coming in for a Tackle, but Keiichi's Sandslash dodges and uses Sand attack to lower its defenses. Once that was out of the way, a powerful Swift attack was launched. Miltank takes the blunt of that attack, but it still moves right in to deliver a Zen Headbutt which catch both Sandslash and Keiichi off guard. The attacks continued on without any hesitation, until it was time for the finale.]

Alright, Hiro!

Let's go, Miltank!

[The attack for "Rollout" is announced simultaneously. Both Pokemon curled up into boulder-sized crushing balls and clashed against each other. There was a long power stuggle between the two Pokemon, but it was Whitney's Miltank who went flying through the air and colliding with the wall.

It was a knock out. With that, Whitney had broke into her waterfall tears and Keiichi had broke into waterfall tears himself. All of his Pokemon had to pop out of their Pokeballs for a BIG group hug.]



[After the sob fest was over, Keiichi was given his badge and is now trying to plead away the ladies from throwing him into even more ridiculous dresses.]

goddammit rika-chan, took a level in badass, badge get!, the stakes are high, took a level in fabulous, should picture them naked, this should become a running trend, !goldenrod city, this is crossdressing, luci is mai waifu, pat my head pleaaaaase

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