If you have something you want to tell me, or questions to ask about my pups, or the way I do things with my pups, then please do so now. It can be about how I play them, how I write them, how I see them, or whatever you want to discuss
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But in the meantime, a fun and exciting twist on Claire!mun's question: Ari is stuck on a desert island with a Canadian actor. Who is it and what sorts of things does he yell at them?
Ari is stuck on a desert island with seven Callum Keith Rennie clones. How long do they have to live?
If they're Canadian, odds are Ari won't know who they are, so I could see him yelling: "Who the fuck are you?" a lot. And I feel he would refer to them at least once as a "Hockey humping half retarded maple-leaf smoking draft-dodger".
Less than zero minutes.
Oh, Ari. This is why Alan loves you. With all his heart cock.
That is the correct answer.
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