Oct 06, 2004 00:38
In short, today sucked.
On the bright side, Johnny and Marc (separately) stopped by my work in good moods. Good moods are contagious, even if only temporary. I like that.
Goldie and I saw a couple apartments last week, but so far nothing that really interests us- at least none in our price range. We are seeing two promising apartments this week that are sound both affordable and great. There are minor problems with each (one has what may quite possibly be an uptight landlord?? and the other is like down the street from ryan's- both of these things don't necessarily mean anything though i guess). It's all mind over matter anyway. As in, if you don't mind it doesn't matter. So for now, i choose not to mind.
I'm pretty indifferent about moving. I'm doing it for the convenience and not having to impose upon friends to stay over. But really, i have very few problems with living with my parents... just the commute is killing me. Speaking of which, I haven't seen them in days. They come home tomorrow night and then leave on thursday for Asia for about a month.
I have a day off tomorrow!! I plan on sleeping in for once and also stopping by the funeral home. I really really really miss doing funerals. I really really really missed alot of things tonight. I don't really like feeling this way.
However,despite having said all that, i still stick to the fact that many things are going well.
have a good week everyone!!
i feel better already.